Methodology for russia's small and medium-sized enterprises adaptation to crisis conditions


Tikhonov G. V.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



In modern conditions of the Russian economy and restructuring of certain industries, the significance of enterprises’ management increases.

It is stipulated by the disruption of a great number of economic ties, active import substitution of products manufactured by certain industries, as well as the necessity for significant breakthrough in the field of military industrial complex (MIC).

Instability of external environment with high risks level is aggravated with account for the challenges facing the Russian industry in conditions of scale sanctions.

In this connection, the role of small and medium-scale enterprises, which significance in the modern world is steadily growing in both developed and developing countries, is increasing.

Methodology for assessing and monitoring industrial enterprises' adaptation level to the crisis conditions is analyzed in real conditions.

Monitoring system of adaptation level of separate enterprises to crisis conditions is an important element of anti-crisis policy, since it should contribute to the selection of the strategically important business-partners selection, subcontractors on production activities, etc. The enterprises with high-level adaptation to the crisis conditions should be primarily included in industry plans while preparing and implementation of the products critical for the industry.

The relevance of small and medium-size enterprises adaptation process is associated with the fact that their ordering parties are large enterprises. So operations of “business for business” (b2b) type are implemented. Thus, small and medium-sized industrial enterprises in most cases are not oriented on individual consumers, but on a big business, which establishes its own rules of conduct on the market.

The area for the study is steady development mechanism of economy of industries, complexes and enterprises.

The object of the work is the Russian small and medium-sized industrial enterprises overcoming the crisis phenomena in the economy.

The subject of this work is methodical and practical approaches to the Russia's industrial enterprises adaptation to negative conditions in the economy, including the assessment of the adaptation level of the enterprises.

The aim of this work consists in developing a methodology of Russia's small and medium-sized industrial enterprises adaptation to the conditions of crisis. The methodological basis of this work is a systematic approach to the small and medium-size enterprises adaptation assessment to crisis conditions.

Practical significance is determined by a comprehensive quantitative approach to the assessment of industrial enterprises' adaptation level to the crisis phenomena in the economy.

In theoretical terms, the overall conclusions on the adaptability of economic systems can be formulated:

  1. High level of adaptive properties of any system means that significant changes in the external environment cause insignificant reaction of the system.

  2. In the framework of market relations, the more so in crisis, the important characteristics of the external environment are mobility and uncertainty. Thus, the adaptability acts as a fundamental property of such dynamic systems as a subject of small and medium-sized industrial enterprises.

  3. Adaptability allows maintain an optimal level of internal processes flow in the system, while the system itself acquires stability and ability to survive in the existing environment.


activity rating, ranking, scoring, level of adaptation, weighting coefficients


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