Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science
Machine science, drive systems and machinery
*, **Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
*e-mail: valery.korn@mail.ru
**e-mail: cijulia@mail.ru
One of the main problems of automatic control theory can be formulated as optimal functional links' forming between information and energy. The basic principle while control systems design consists in designing such systems, which are able to transmit or convert information with specified timing and phasing-in characteristics under condition of power consumption minimization for the given control law realization.
The main power consumption relates to actuating mechanisms while synchronous transmission fr om control system to the control object with concurrent increase of the energy level. The energy level limitations in actuating mechanism affect significantly such dynamic characteristics as stability, accuracy and noise reduction.
The problem of parametrical synthesis of the rudder servo drive actuating mechanism for the UAV's aerodynamic control system is interpreted as a system design optimization problem. The quality criterion of parametrical optimization problem is maximum effective power delivered to the control object from the power source, necessary to fulfill the required, most tough from the power consumption view point, motion laws of the control object (aerodynamic rudder) under specified parameters of aerodynamic load. Graph-analytic solution of the problem is based on plotting the dependencies Nmax(F), wh ere Nmax is the maximum effective power value; F = Mmax/Wmax is the robustness value of the actuating mechanism mechanical characteristic; Mmax and Wmax are the maximum torque and maximum speed of the actuating mechanism.
These dependencies allow define the optimal parameters of the actuating mechanism ensuring the fulfillment of all control object's required laws of motion, provided the minimized energy consumption for their realization.
electromechanical servo drive parametrical synthesis, the optimal energy characteristics, approximation of low control, spline approximationReferences
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Sinyavskaya Yu.A., Kornilov V.A. Trudy MAI, 2011, no. 44, available at: http://trudymai.ru/eng/published.php?ID=25115
Sinyavskaya Yu.A. Metodika opredeleniya oblikovykh kharakteristik elektricheskikh ispolnitelnykh ustroistv kak podsistem konturov upravleniya poletom vysokomanevrennykh BPLA (Methodology for determining image characteristics of electric actuating units as subsystems of flight control loops for highly maneuverable UAVs), Doctors thesis, Moscow, MAI, 2012, 183 p.
Nosov A.S. Vestnik Moskovskogo aviatsionnogo instituta, 2016, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 170-176.
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