Methodical approach to industrial startup development management mechanism efficiency determination


Korshunova E. D.*, Smirnov S. D.**

Moscow State University of Technology "STANKIN", 1, Vadkovsky lane, Moscow, 127994, Russia



Startups become the benchmarks of innovation growth, and the government is interested in their successful functioning. It is proved by the formation of support infrastructure around startups. An integrated approach is required to startups' support realization.

The article describes the life cycle model of a startup. Irrespective of the startup's type and line of activity, each of them passes typical stages in the course of its development. The startup lifecycle model is associated with the I. Adizez's model of the organization lifecycle.

In the beginning of their functioning, most startups face with the necessity of solving the similar problems and performing the similar functions, particularly with the necessity of the substantiated selection of the way of their development.

The management mechanism of industrial startup development allows obtain a justified choice of the way for its further development. The participants of an expert group obtained a conclusion on the most effective method by carrying out the procedure of a startup development evaluation. However, it is necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the taken decision.

The expediency of applying the mechanism and the efficiency of the taken decision should be confirmed by calculations of economic efficiency. Thus, the methodological approach to the management mechanism of the industrial startup development becomes a crucial issue. All approaches consider the object of evaluation from certain sides, and are based on specific external and internal information.

The article describes the approach to efficiency determination of the industrial startup development mechanism management. A structure for calculating the total costs of a startup during the period of itscommercialization with the chosen development process was developed. A typical process for analyzing and calculating the total costs of a startup is presented.


innovative system of Russia, start-ups' life cycle, selection method of start-ups' ways of development, efficiency determination of start-ups development management mechanism


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