Parameters selection of space debris removal system with elastic elements by cable towing

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles

DOI: 123123-123-12313


Aslanov V. S.*, Yudintsev V. V.**

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia



There are more than 1500 large artificial objects on the near-earth orbits, while only 7% of then are active spacecraft. The remaining objects are space debris. The greatest hazard is presented by the large space debris, such as non-functioning satellites, final stages of rocket carriers, staying on the orbit. Their destruction can lead to grave aftermath, since collision of such object with other the objects and fragments may lead to significant increase of the number of small debris, which, in its turn, can lead to impossibility of safe employing of some near-earth orbits. The space debris removal is one of topical problems, which humanity will have to solve in the nearest future.

A method of space debris removal, and transportation system parameters are determined in many ways by the properties of the garbage being removed. Objects capture and removal by tether systems is one of the prospective methods of large objects, such as non-functional satellites of rocket stages, removal from orbit. The removal of a non-functioning spacecraft with flexible elements herewith is a more complicated task, since the possibility of oscillations of elastic structural elements, such as solar batteries panels should be accounted for, which may lead to their destruction and greater clogging of near earth space.

The article considers cable transportation of a large-sized object of space debris with elastic elements, such as solar batteries. The goal of the work consists in studying the mutual effect of tether oscillations and oscillations of flexible elements while transportation active phase. The article presents the developed mathematical model of the system, consisting of space tug and towed space debris with flexible elements. It considers the simplest case when only a constant thrust force effects the tug. No other forces and moments (such as gravitational) are accounted for.

The transported space debris should not be destroyed while towing, and its attached elements (solar batteries) should not tear away. Otherwise, it may lead to greater clogging of space. To analyze the possibility of destruction and selection of such system parameters that will exclude the space debris structure destruction, mathematical model was developed. By dint of this model, the analytical expressions allowing select the tether rigidity depending on parameters of space debris and mass of the tug were obtained. The article demonstrates the existence of critical tether rigidity, that should be avoided while transportation system parameters forming. Direct numerical integrating of the initial equations of the motion substantiated all analytical and numerical results presented in the article.


space debris, tether, space tug, flexible elements, oscillations


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