Developing calculation method for forced vibrations of turbomachines of a blisk type blades

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles


Shorr B. F.*, Buyukli T. V.**, Shorstov V. A.***, Bortnikov A. D.****, Sal'nikov A. V.*****, Frolov V. N.******, Serebryakov N. N.*******

Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111116, Russia



The subject of the article “Developing calculation method for forced vibrations of turbomachines of a blisk-type blades” by Shorr B.F., Buyukli T.V., Shorstov V.A., Bortnikov A.D., Salnikov A.V., Frolov V.N. Serebryakov N.N. is the blades of a blisk-type rotor wheels.

The research topic is the effect of amplitude-dependent damping in the material of blades on amplitude of the steady-state resonant vibrations.

The goal of the work is definition of the non-stationary components of the aerodynamic forces and resonant stresses amplitudes in the blades at steady-state vibrations.

The article employs the following assumptions: only the steady-state vibrations amplitudes are being computed. Aeroelastic phenomena relating to blade deformation (both oscillations' excitation and damping) are neglected, i. e. gas exciting forces are defined according to the geometry of air-gas channel elements at a specified operating mode regardless of blade vibrations. Mechanical damping in blades material is amplitude-dependent; i. e. blade behaves as a physically heterogeneous body in the sense of energy dissipation, which heterogeneity depends on variable tensions distribution at each form of vibrations. Damping properties are verified by dynamic tests of samples at various excitation levels and frequencies.

The methodology of the work includes a sequential computational study, which consisting of initial normal modes analysis with definition of the operating mode with possible resonances. It also accounts for of the non-stationary components of the aerodynamic forces definition by solving the Navier-Stokes equation at the operating mode of interest, transferring these components to the nodes to the mechanical finite element model of the blade. Finally, the extraction of the harmonic components of the force, and solving the problem of steady-state vibrations of the blade with amplitude-dependent damping.

Calculations revealed that employing of the constant decrement of oscillations might lead to incorrect results. The difference between calculated amplitudes of the vibratory stresses in the considered example was 25%.

Conclusions were drawn on the method structure, as well as that the considered example of calculating the rotor wheel forced vibrations at resonance with the 13th harmonic of the flow circumferential irregularity shows the utility of accounting for the dependence of the energy dissipation factor in the material on the vibratory stresses amplitude.


airflow in compressor, blades' natural oscillation frequency, non-stationary aerodynamic forces, forced blades' vibrations, flow circumferential non-uniformity component, damping in blade material


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