Effect of centrifugal mass forces on heat transfer when airflow of concave surface with transverse projections

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles


Il'inkov A. V.1*, Gabdrakhmanov R. R.2, Takmovtsev V. V.1**, Shchukin A. V.1***

1. Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, 10, Karl Marks str., Kazan, 420111, Russia
2. Tsentrgazenergoremont, 1, Moskovskaya str., Schelkovo, Moscow region, 141112, Russia

*e-mail: ailinkov@mail.ru
**e-mail: vvt379@rambler.ru
***e-mail: a.v.shchukin@rambler.ru


The article presents the results of a pilot study of average heat transfer on a concave surface model with regard to the cooling systems of the leading edge of a gas turbine engines turbine blade with spanwise semi-cylindrical ribs in turbulent flow. Relative curvature parameter was being varied by variation of the momentum thickness. Heat transfer has been studied employing a gradient method based on Fourier-Newton law. A test section was a plane channel of 140 × 100 mm consisting of a straight section and a 90° bend. The concave surface of the channel and the object under consideration had a radius of curvature Rw = 500 mm.

The visualization results revealed that when an undisturbed fluid flowed past the first spanwise rib, the reattachment length behind this rib depended on the surface curvature parameter. The latter is the ratio of the momentum thickness to the surface curvature radius. The increase in this parameter fr om 1.38 · 10-3 up to 2.5 · 10-3 resulted in the average of 1.6 times reduction in the reattachment length.

This result derived fro m flow visualization has been satisfactorily confirmed by the distribution of local heat transfer coefficients between the ribs. The reattachment length characterized by the peak heat transfer reduced approximately by 1.4 times. No effect of centrifugal body forces on heat transfer in the flow around the second and third ribs has been observed.

It has been shown that in the case of combined effect of centrifugal body forces and spanwise ribs on heat transfer, these factors do not meet the additivity concept of individual effects due to their mutual coupling. In the considered case, the effect of streamwise curvature of the concave surface was observed only behind the first spanwise rib wh ere the momentum thickness was large. This effect was suppressed further downst ream byboundary layer breakup caused by spanwise ribs. The contribution of centrifugal forces to heat transfer enhancement at a given surface curvature radius can grow if the rib height is decreased while the streamwise rib pitch remains constant.


turbine blade, leading edge, concave surface, transverse projections, heat transfer enhancement


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