Automated decision making by the onboard unmanned aerial vehicle system while road traffic monitoring

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Innovation technologies in aerospace activities


Kim N. V.*, Bodunkov N. E.**, Mikhailov N. A.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The article presents the developed method for efficiency increase of the operator, performing traffic surveillance by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with the built-in computer vision system. Analyzing video information, received via the radio channel in real time mode by the human-controlled point, is associated with errors in decision-making. These errors are stipulated by the vast volume of information, which overburdens the operator, and, as a rule, by the so-called human factor. Productivity of such system can be increased significantly through addition of autonomous road situation estimation system. The UAVs equipped with surveillance systems, such as video cameras, receive images onboard (video sequences), and are able to extract from them the objects of interest: roads and transport means.

Estimation and analysis in this article are ensured by the road incidents consequences severity classification. The work employs the classification consisted of five classes. Each situation class is described by attributes' dictionary, which separates the attribute space into non-crossing areas, corresponding to the selected classes.

In addition, the article describes the developed hierarchical structure of “Description of the Scene Being Surveyed”. This structure relates to the so-called semantic descriptions, is rather universal, and ensures the possibility to describe various road traffic situations.

The article presents the technique for traffic situations classification over the images. It demonstrates the example of the situation classification based on the real image of the road accident.


situations classification based on the semantic descriptions, of computer vision system of autonomous drone, traffic situation attributes recognition


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