Electromecanical complex with high-frequency induction drive for gas-turbine engine

Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering complexes and systems


Abramovich B. N.*, Sychev Y. A.**, Kuznetsov P. A.***

Saint-Petersburg Mining University, 2, Vasilevskii ostrov, 21st Line, Saint-Petersburg, 199106, Russia

*e-mail: babramov2bn@mail.ru
**e-mail: sychev_yura@mail.ru
***e-mail: kuznetsovpavel@inbox.ru


The main issue of this article is modeling and reviewing of the possibilities of high-speed induction motors to modernize conventional and newly developed technical solutions.

The performed analysis reveals that by the year 2050 electrical energy production and consumption will practically double relative to 2015. Electric drive is one of its key consumers, and induction motors as the main motors. In this regard, presently the issue of meeting the rapidly developing industry requirements for developing highly effective reliable models capable of operating under conditions of drastically changing load arises.

The prospective arrangement to be modernized with such electric drive is a gearbox of a gas turbine engine. Difficultly controlled and tightly coupled with gearing-system, the pumps can be substituted by their lightweight, small-sized analogs in the form of electric drives. The authors offer two possible structures of modernization of various degree of complexity.

The induction motor modeling is complicated by computing parameters of its equivalent scheme. The article presents the review of the key values hard to calculate, and simplifications description, which were assumed while those parameters computing. The induction squirrel-cage motor with two rotor windings was selected as the basic model.

Two models for studying characteristics of high-speed motors were developed with MATLAB-Simulink. The first model simulates the motor with frequency regulator, and the second one is finished electrically driven gearbox of gas turbine engine aggregates. The problems of harmonic components generation by frequency converters are considered as well.

High frequency motors simulation results were compared to series-produced analog. They demonstrate the superiority of the new models compared to conventional, such as less jitter of the velocity curve, reduced inrush current, faster transients and increased torque. Comparison of variable-frequency control technique advantages with series-produced analogs was performed in the final part. The wider capabilities of the enhanced frequency range are demonstrated.


GTEs Gearbox, high-frequency induction motors, harmonics compensation, LCL-filters, Simulink model, electric drive modernization


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