Development of effective forms of production process stuffing in aircraft building industry


Grishin D. V.

Institute of Professional HR, 2nd Roshinsky proezd, 8, Moscow, 115419, Russia



The aviation industry is one of the most high-tech industries not only in the product design and development, but also in the production process posing high requirements on personnel qualifications. The system of qualifications assessment and certification in the aviation industry helps to solve the issue of staffing of the production process due to:

  • Reconcilement of employers' requirements to graduates' qualification;

  • Independent and objective assessment of the qualifications' mastering level;

  • Accreditation of educational programs by employers.

The systems of professional certification in Europe and the United States has been functioning since the 1980s. In 2007 a large-scale activities on creation of National system of qualification started in Russia under the auspices of the RSPP. Since 2014, this work was being performed on the ground of the National Council on Professional Qualification under the President of the Russian Federation. The Council for professional qualifications in the field of aviation was established in 2016, it included representatives of major employers and their associations, public authorities and educational institutions.

At the first meeting of the Council, it was decided to consider the possibilities of employing and adaptation of the project sectoral qualifications frameworks in mechanical engineering for aircraft industry. For this purpose there are all preconditions, since the enterprises need the skilled workers in the first place, and it was for them that the Sectorial Council on Machine Building develops qualification requirements.

Based on Federal law No. 238-FZ “On independent qualification assessment”, 108 organizations, getting the status of centers of assessment of qualifications were selected, in which more than five thousand people have already confirmed their skills.

Currently CTCS in the field of aviation has not been not established, however the need for its creating is urgent. Though MAI cannot act as the CSC organizer, it is likely expedient to enlist the services of the MAI teaching staff to its activities In particular, the administrative tasks of CTCS can be transferred to MAI, which has extensive experience of performing similar procedures: admission company, examinations, etc.

The proposed system will help the industry economically, as well as strengthen the ties between the labor market and educational sphere.


aircraft building, aviation enterprises, personnel management, staffing, professional qualifications, professional standards, qualifications frame, independent evaluation, certification, implementation


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