High-tech production managing with account for requirements of economic security (on the example of aircraft building)


Efimova N. S.1*, Volenko A. K.1, Kanashova Y. G.2

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. Center of Methodology of Control and Audit Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 33, bld. 4, Talalikhina str., Moscow, 109316, Russia

*e-mail: efimova_ns@mail.ru


Presently it is necessary to develop highly effective assessment of high-tech enterprises economic security level as each aircraft building enterprise needs integrated self-concept of its production-commercial and financial-economic activities.

The main objective of assessment of the level of production activity economic security is assessment of risks on integrated system of indicators accounting for specific branch features at the enterprises of high-tech industries. The authors recommend employ the hi-tech enterprises' risks assessment based on a qualitative or interval method. Internal self-concept of state of production of aeronautical engineering development, and assessment of production development dynamics of the enterprise should be the main task of high-tech production monitoring.

The internal self-assessment of a production condition of creation of the aircraft equipment and assessment of dynamics of development of production of the enterprise have to be the main objective of monitoring of hi-tech enterprise. For this purpose, it is necessary to employ the technique, which would describe the main approaches and basic self-concept procedures for the risks of production departments of high-tech enterprises.

The article considered and developed managing system for high-tech production with account for economic security requirements, which will allow ensuring the raise of high-tech products competitiveness.It suggests assessment indicators for probability category of economic security factors coming-in, risks register, and risks map in high-tech branches of the industry.

Developing the system of economic security of production activity in aircraft building will allow forecast the aftermath of internal and external hazards on both production processes, and high-tech enterprises' activities at large. Implementation of the above said procedures at the aircraft building enterprises will allow ensure the necessary level of economic security, as well as optimize production processes at the enterprises of high-tech industry branches.


high-tech industry, economic security, economic risks, economic security criteria, card of risks, model of assessment of threats, criteria of economic security, register of production-commercial risks


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