Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles
*, **Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, Samara, Russia
*e-mail: aslanov_vs@mail.ru
**e-mail: yudintsev@gmail.com
For risk reduction of the uncontrolled growth of space debris number at the near Earth orbits, it is necessary to remove the most dangerous objects, such as the worked-out orbital stages of rocket carriers and non-operating spacecraft, which may be the sources of space debris. The most complicated stage of passive uncontrolled object's removal from an orbit is its capturing. Selection of capturing technique is determined by the type of space debris and its angular motion. For example, very often the orbital stages are being purposely spin-up around their transverse axis by jet nozzles to guarantee avoiding collision with the detached payload. It complicates capturing the object of such type by the space tug to remove them from the orbit. While employing manipulators or classical mechanisms of a beam-cone type for capturing, when the engine nozzle of a rocket carrier plays the role of the cone, significant overloads may occur in capturing units.
The presented article proposes employ for docking the expanded beam (strip) with aspect ratio. As in the classical docking technique, the nozzle of an orbital stage is being employed. The docking scheme being suggested allows reduce impact forces occurring while docking with rotating objects.
The docking assembly model was developed to study the effectiveness of the suggested scheme. The flexible beam was modeled by the system of solid bodies (beams) connected by cylindrical hinges. To imitate the bending stiffness a torsional spring was being installed in every hinge. The system model was developed using MSC.ADAMS CAE software. The system model was developed in MSC.ADAMS CAE software.
The process of docking with rotating orbital stage, using the three beams variants of large, medium and low stiffness, was analyzed through the developed model. While docking process, the reaction force value in the hinge, connecting the beam with the space tug hull, maximum tug angular velocity and the success of entire docking operation were controlled. The results of modeling confirmed the impact loads reduction while docking with reduction of the beam bending stiffness. The flexible beam will allow employ greater closing-in velocities with uncontrolled rotating objects of space debris to increase the successful docking probability. The beam elastic properties herewith allow reduce the effect of disturbance forces on the space tug while the beam contact with the docking surface of a docking port (nozzle).
space debris, space tug, docking, probe-cone mechanism, flexible beam-tapeReferences
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