Development of anti guided missiles active protection system for aircraft and assessment of its application prospects

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles


Pashko A. D.*, Belichuk A. A.**

Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia



At present, designers of almost all foreign countries (USA, UK, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, China and South Africa) decide upon thermal imaging tracking coordinator, employing matrix photo-detecting unit while the type of homing head selection for hew types on missiles. Its modern element base is intrinsically the basis of the fifth generation infrared homing heads. The main advantages of guided missiles of “air-to-air” class equipped with homing head containing matrix photo-detecting unit consist in the presence of significant field of vision, ensuring target patter recognition and its identification, capability of automatic aiming employing and high jamming immunity. All this requires aircraft protection means modernization.

Modern aircraft are being equipped with on-board defense systems, designed to protect an aircraft of various classes and purposes from hitting by aircraft rockets, antiaircraft rocket systems through detecting hazard occurrence and counteracting the attacking means. Onboard defense system “President-S”, “Talisman”, electronic countermeasures equipment of Su-30MKI and aircraft protection system “MANTA” are most up-to-date systems.

The results of performed analysis of modern aviation guided missiles and means of protection from high-accuracy weapons allow conclude that the existing onboard defense systems do not ensure enough level of protection. Namely, they ensure only a passive protection by creating interference action on missiles homing heads, which is inefficient with account for digital signal processing and jamming protection of the guided missiles. Modern heat flares are effective only for protection from the missiles' with single-element photo-detecting unit. Due to target image detection capabilities of modern homing heads with matrix photo-detecting units, the heat flares application is inappropriate. From all the above said, a topical problem of upgrading the onboard defense systems by developing new ways of an aircraft protection from guided missiles follows.

Improving the aircraft protection is possible by active impact on guided missile by protective ammunition included into active protection system, leading to its hitting, self-destruction or mishit.

The goal of the study is enhancing the aircraft protection from guided missiles of “air-to-air” type.

Thus, the developed active protection system is capable of ensuring in automatic mode all aspect detection and tracking of a guided missile, its destruction at a safe distance from the aircraft, in close interaction with the other aircraft systems.


aircraft, guided aircraft missile, active protection system


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