Controlling fuel combustion process by burner design change in gas turbine engine combustion chamber

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles


Baklanov A. V.

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, 10, Karl Marks str., Kazan, 420111, Russia



Fuel burning in gas turbine engine combustion chamber entails toxic agents formation. Among them, nitrogen oxides and carbonic oxides, which prove deleterious effect upon a human and environment, present the special hazard. In this regard, the article solves the topical problem on upgrading the existing combustion chamber by changing the design of its burner.

At the first stage of the research, several types of burners, differing by nozzle extension geometry, were studied. The studies consisted in determining toxic agents' emissions concentration in the flame formed by the burner.

According to the results of the studies the inference was drawn that the most acceptable burner was the burner with convergent head piece, since it ensures minimum content of nitrogen and carbonic oxides in combustion products. The decision was made on continuing studies of both types of burners, namely, original with diffuser extension and the burner with convergent head-piece, which demonstrated minimum emission of toxic agents.

It was found that the residence time of the burner with converging nozzle extension in the reverse currents zone was 0.15 ms, and 0.025 ms for the burner with convergent head-piece, which is six times less. Testing results were colligated in the form of mathematical dependence of CO and NO from swirl parameter Sg, which characterizes the degree of the nozzle head-piece opening-out.

During the next stage, the studies on determining the throughput capacity of the burners, as well as the quality of air-fuel mixture preparation at their outlet were performed.

According to the results of the studies, it was revealed that due to the high velocity pressure there is no significant jet spreading behind the burner with convergent head-piece. The jet herewith has the high ejection capability and forms narrow flow core, in which intensive fuel and air mixing occurs. The burner with diffusion extension forms a wide concentration field and its low level, which is explained by volumetric recirculation zone.

The combustion chambers tests hereafter on determining thermal field   and obtaining hydraulic characteristics were performed. The measurements showed that at the outlet of the burner with convergent head-piece in the vicinity of thermocouple No 4 the temperature increase was observed compared to the burner variant with diffusion extension. But both cameras ensure temperature field regulated by general requirements.

While next stage the tests of the engines with the combustion chambers under study were performed. The tests data confirmed the reliability of air-fuel mixture ignition during the engine starting. They confirm also correspondence of NK-16ST throttle characteristic to the chambers with both convergent head-piece and diffusion extension in the burner.

The obtained data allowed conclude that employing the burner with convergent head-piece allowed reduce emission of nitrogen oxides by 20% and carbonic oxides by 75%. The main characteristics of the combustion chamber can be affected by changes in the design of the nozzle extension in the burner.


gas-turbine engine combustion chamber, flame tube disign, upgrading, hazardous substances emission, diffusion combustion, atomizer, burner


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