Optimization of unmanned aerial vehicles detection in conditions of signal-to-noise ratio variation

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Control and testing of flying vehicles and their systems


Abdulov R. N.1*, Asadov H. G.2**

1. Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense Industry of Azerbaijan Republic, 25, Rahib Mammadov str., Baku, AZ1123, Republic of Azerbaijan
2. Scientific and Research Institute of Aerospace Informatics, 159, Azadlig ave., Baku, AZ1106, Azerbaijan

*e-mail: Rauf.abdulov@mail.ru
**e-mail: asadzade@rambler.ru


The problem of illegal unmanned aerial vehicles of various types detection and identification consists in their low flight heights, small sizes and high maneuverability. The presented article analyses the interrelated optimal selection of detection probability figures in the UAV-Radar system, corresponding to the minimum value of the signal-to-noise ratio at the output of the radar receiving part, i.e. the worst conditions of the UAV detection. The authors suggest a new setting of the problem, associated with several pulses detection at the radar input while the signal-to-noise ratio changing dynamically. The article considers the situation when the detection probability grows with time, and the integral of the sum of detection probability and false alarm probability is equal to a certain constant. In conditions of dynamically changing signal-to-noise ratio with account for the accepted condition of constancy of the integral of the sum while preserving the mutually inverse by nature character changing of detection probability and the alarm probability the problem of optimal interrelation above said probabilities values calculation the is being set. The optimization criterion was formulated in the form of the integral of the well-known expression, determining the interrelation between the signal-to-noise ratio minimum probabilities and false alarm. The gist of the formulated optimization problem consists in finding such probability dependence of false alarm from the detection probability in the series of operations of radar detection with growing detection probability, at which the minimum of the integrated value of minimum signal to noise ratios is reached, ensuring detection of point objects at each radaroperation. Based on the performed analysis the authors obtained the functional relationship of the false alarm probability from the detection probability for scenario, when a pinpoint target in the course of radar detection with growing detection probability is being detected at minimum achievable figure of integrated signal-to-noise ratio at the radar receiver input.


detection probability, radar-UAV system, false alarm probability, target functional, signal-to-noise ratio, optimization criterion


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