Photometric informational method for unmanned aerial vehicles localization

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Control and testing of flying vehicles and their systems


Mamedov I. E.

National Aerospace Agency of Azerbaijan Republic, NASA, 1, Suleyman Sani Akhundov str., Baku, AZ1115, Azerbaijan Republic



One of major factors affecting the successful UAV performing reconnaissance tasks is the possibility of its coordinates exact localization. The UAV position estimation in such systems is usually performed employing such features as reference points, margins or other images informative elements. Application of such characteristic as reciprocal information for this purpose is also possible. The major shortage of these methods consist in complexity of this function computation in real time scale. The presented article suggests the method, generalizing the main features of localization techniques based on reciprocal information calculation. In contrast to the well-known solutions, localization with the suggested technique is performed based on both information characteristics and optical illuminance characteristics of the analyzed images of various formats. The resemblance of real scene herewith with geo-referenced image is computed by subtracting them from the information characteristics, and for accuracy and reliability of the obtained result, the localization is performed based on multi-format geo-referenced images of the object. The localization problem is solved with this method as a problem of minimization of difference of the total volumes of information, obtained from the real object and reference image in the mode of studying the multi-format frames while meeting some additional condition, specified on total illuminance of the studied and compared images. As applied to the considered problem of the UAV localization, the obtained solution ensures maximum difference of estimations of information volume in the ground scene under study and geo-referenced image. The author concluded that the optimal selection should be considered as such a desired functional dependence, which differs to the greatest extent from the calculated function characterizing the studied extreme localization mode.


localization, UAV, integral information criterion, target functional, unconditional variational optimization


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