Flight data analysis as an operational decisions making basis of the long-term operating orbital stations usage manual

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles


Spirin A. I.

e-mail: Alexander.Spirin@sfoc.ru


Space mission control is an integral part of the control process. It allows obtain a fair presentation on the actual state and functioning of constituent parts of a spacecraft (SC), the degree of tasks implementation and its reaction to control actions.

As a rule, two tasks are solved while controlling. The first one consists in predicting the SC and crew abilities to perform the current flight tasks based on current data, and the second one of no less importance is to detect timely a failure onboard a SC and take measures to its elimination at short notice.

The analysis of the SC onboard systems state adds to the control, but this process is more complicated and it is aimed at revealing cause-and-effect relations of the control parameters both with each other and with external conditions. This analysis is performed for predicting the onboard systems state over the planned flight stages to reveal undesired tendencies in control parameters behavior, as well as for analyzing and revealing the causes of divergences and failures of the onboard system operation. The analysis of the onboard systems states is performed as a rule out of the bounds of a SC operative control loop.

For long-term orbital stations' (LTOS) the analysis of the onboard system state is particularly urgent due to the necessity of ensuring long-term operation in conditions of known restrictions on their structure changing. The flight data generalization and their analysis allow reveal the causes of divergences of the onboard systems states, elaborate recommendations on their elimination of reducing their negative effect, as well as elaborate operational decisions on optimization of the onboard systems operation modes, rational resources consumption, ensuring thereby long-term and effective operation of the LTOS.

The article presents methodological approaches employed for the of onboard systems state analysis with account for collateral data. The operational decisions examples, implemented based on the International Space Station flight data analysis, are considered for the events such as:

– parry the negative impact of the jets of orientation engines of transportation vehicles on solar batteries panels (SP);

– reduce fuel consumption during the SP effectiveness evaluation;

– improving the heat transfer of radiators of the thermal mode provision system during the «solar orbits» periods.


long-term orbital station, flight control, onboard systems state analysis, solar cell output rate, radiation heat exchangers output rate


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