Electrical Engineering
Electrical engineering complexes and systems
1, 2, 2*, 1**, 1***1. Ufa State Aviation Technical University, USATU, 12, K. Marx str., Ufa, 450008, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia
2. Holding Tehnodinamika UAPO, 97, Aksakova str., Ufa, 450095, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia
*e-mail: vtipy@mail.ru
**e-mail: s2_88@mail.ru
***e-mail: miniar-a@ya.ru
Electric motors are one of the main actuating element ensuring aircraft systems functioning. Traditionally, they are employed in fuel pumps, oil pumping pumps, hydraulic stations, automation systems, as fans drive, and wing-flap systems. The variety of problems solved by electric motors on board the aircraft, makes them almost one of the main consumers of electric power.
Currently, several types of electric motors are employed in aircraft fuel pumps, such as DC motors with brush-collector unit, induction motors, inductor and reactive motors, permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) with direct start, and brushless direct current motors (BLDCM). All the listed motors have problems related to energy efficiency and mass and size indicators.
Thus, the main promising motor version for employing in aviation fuel pumps at this stage is the PMSM. A number of scientific and practical works are devoted to the development of the PMSM for aerospace systems. In particular, the specifics of field simulation of the PMSM for aircraft air-conditioning systems and general approaches to PMSM development for aerospace applications are considered. The works are devoted to the study of the PMSM magnetic systems and solving the problems of creating a PMSM control system development. The design features herewith of PMSM for fuel pumps are not disclosed in the literature. Although this type of motors has a number of distinctive features, such as working conditions in the field of low negative temperatures, working capacity at low voltage, employing of graphite bearings, etc. All these specifics do not allow employ the results of the works to the full extent.
Thus, the purpose of this article consists in analyzing the design features of the PMSM for fuel pump by developing and examining the PMSM for fuel pump with concrete geometry with account for real operating conditions and evaluating the prospects for the development of the PMSM for fuel pump.
permanent magnet synchronous mototr, permanent magnets, operating characteristics, experimental studiesReferences
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