Analyzing technological schemes of production of “FRAME SEGMENT” type parts

Metallurgy and Material Science

Metal forming


Galkin V. I.*, Galkin E. V.**, Paltievich A. R.***, Preobrazhenskii E. V.****, Borunova T. V.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The article considers methods for frame segment obtaining from the B95 alloy by isothermal forging. This method allows obtaining forgings with minimum allowance for machining and requires value of punching force. Isothermal forging can be a more productive alternative to the now employed cutting operation with NC machine tool. The above said alloy is a certified material for aircraft industry and has a high specific strength. One of the B95 specifics consists in rather narrow deformation temperature region. On the one hand, herewith the forging temperature should be selected as maximum to reduce the required force, and on the other hand, the deformation heating-up may lead to overburning, i.e. irreparable damage of the material, characterized by drastic mechanical properties deterioration. To solve this problem, the authors propose to reduce the deformation loading of the material, which can be ensured by controlling the stress-and-strain state and heating temperature of a workpiece while forging.

The stress-and-strain state of temperature fields analysis was performed with engineering software complex Deform, based on finite element method. Deform software found wide application for the analysis of metals pressure shaping. It allows reduce the design period of the process and cost price, as well as increase the quality of production.

In the presented work several options of isothermal forging of a frame forged piece made of B95 allow were studied with finite element method. While modeling, the initial temperature of the process was being varied, and forging tools of various geometry were employed, as well as the auxiliary operations number. Workpieces of various cross-sections, such as circular, square and rectangular ones were used. The initial workpiece position in the stamp was accounted for. For all cases under consideration, the deformation ratio exceeds the permissible value of 60%, and the process temperature was non-uniformly distributed over the forging cross-section. In a number of cases the conditions that could lead to metal burn-out were observed. It was found, that the most rational scheme is the scheme of isothermal forging, in which a rectilinear pressed rod was used as a billet. Its cross-section area was equal to the section area of the frame forging, and the length of the shelves was 3 mm shorter. This scheme application allows produce forging with equivalent strains of no more than 60%, and allowable deformation heating, which does not lead to the of B95 alloy burnout.


finite elements method, isothermal forging, metal forming, SFTC Deform, QuantorForm QForm, frame


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