A method of light alloys reinforcing by aero-thermoacoustic treatment for aerospace industry

Metallurgy and Material Science

Material science


Kalugina M. S.1*, Remshev E. Y.1**, Danilin G. A.1, Vorob'eva G. A.1***, Telnov A. K.2****

1. Baltic State Technical University “VOENMEH ” named after D.F. Ustinov, 1, 1st Krasnoarmeyskaya str., Saint Petersburg, 190005, Russia
2. Tekhmash SPb, 137, build. 1, Primorsky av., office 352N, Saint Petersburg, 197374, Russia

*e-mail: mash-kalugin@yandex.ru
**e-mail: Remshev@mail.ru
***e-mail: Labmetcontrol@inbox.ru
****e-mail: aleks.telnov@tehmachspb.ru


The article studies the possibility of developing technological basics of higher mechanical properties of aluminum casting alloys ensuring, and wrought aluminum alloy while employing aero-thermoacoustic treatment (ATAT).

The share of aluminum allows employed in aviation industry is high. Thus, both casting and wrought alloys find application in aerospace industry. Casting aluminum alloys are used for containers and tanks production. In machine building such casting aluminum alloys as silumin are widely spread.

Aluminum wrought alloys present great interest, due to their higher mechanical properties. They are used for aircraft hulls manufacturing. The above said alloys are employed for manufacturing prefabricated shells of aircraft hulls, representing rigid encasements of rather rigid sheet material, which should resist normal and tangent forces and carry all types of loads.

ATAT employing enables increasing the strength of silumins about 1.4 times, practically with preserving elasticity at the initial level or its slight reduction. Significant holding time reduction was observed as well.

The article studies ways of increasing strength characteristics of extra-high tensile wrought aluminum alloy without significant loss of plastic properties of the material.

The article studies ways of increasing strength characteristics of high-strength wrought aluminum alloy without significant loss of plastic properties of the material.

The ATAT effect on the structure and properties of aluminum casting alloys was revealed, which could be associated with the process of micro-plastic deformation and partial recrystallization while treatment, with diffusion processes acceleration, which ensures grinding of solid solution grains. The redistribution and reduction of macro and microstrains in the material significantly affects its properties.


aero-thermoacoustic treatment, acoustic emission method, thermal treatment, microstructure, mechanical properties, reliability


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