Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
Aerodynamics and heat-exchange processes in flying vehicles
*, **Irkutsk Branch of Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, 139, Sovetskaya str., Irkutsk, 664047, Russia
Vortex formation analysis of the air medium as a gas turbine engine (GTE) propellant allows extracting one of its specifics, namely the gravity character of the technogenic vortices formation. The fudamentals of this vortex formation are being subordinated to the natural vortexes formation of the Earth atmospheric environment. The theory of technogenic vortices of the GTE operating on the ground, the same as the theory of natural atmospheric vortexes is being in the state of its development. It confirms the state of the issues of the working process principle and classification of both technogenic and natural vortices stated in scientific and technical literature and textbooks on the theory of gas turbine engines and metrology. The most informative is the database on meteorological studies of natural vortices (tornados, cyclones, circulations and atmospheric fronts). Thus, due to the technogenic and natural gravity vortex forming similarity, the gist of technogenic vortices' work process should be searched for in the gist of the cyclonic type vortices of the environment. The work process study herewith of the cyclonic type vortices (tornados and others) may be the basis for creating a theory of natural vortex forming.
The problem is set to study the work process of small-sized technogenic vortices with their subsequent adaptation to the work process of natural vortex forming.
The above said problem should be solved relying on the basic equations of gas dynamics (gas flow energy preserving and other) with subsequent yield to the methodology and essence of the gravity type vortices' work process. The most accessible to learning the gravity vortex formation and its vorticity is the energy conservation equation, including its components in the form of internal and kinetic energy of a gas flow, kinetic energy of the environment angular rotation, and heat exchange elements in the form of external mechanic work and heat. Hence, extracting the master unit of vortex formation (angular rotation energy) allows establish functional dependence of the vortex formation under study from the sources of energy capable of generating gravity vortices of various types.
The article presents the methodology of studying, and analysis of the problems of work process cognition of vortex movement of the Earth's ambiences. Classification of vortices according to the gist of their work process. The article indicates the way of splitting the vortex formation into the vortices according to the gist of the work process included into its classification, and further cognition of their physical entity and exploration resulting in vortex characteristics, their consequences and application areas.
gravity vortices, vortex formation problems, vortices' working process, vortices classification, technogenic vorticesReferences
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