Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles
Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, Samara, Russia
By now, several methods for near Earth orbits active cleaning from large-size space debris were suggested. The most difficult stage of such mission is the stage of space debris capture. Capturing method selection and subsequent orbital transportation of space debris depends on its type and angular motion. Rockets' orbital stages may rotate with high angular velocity, which aggravates their capture by manipulators and other means. One of prospective techniques of such object capture is application of a net connected with the space tug by a tether. The object capture by a net can be performed by the net separation with a certain relative speed in relation to the space tug and space debris, or by the net unrolling on the trajectory of the space debris object relative to the space tug. Elastic properties of the net and tether allow reduce the load acting on the space tug while an object capturing process and control the value of this impact.
The paper presents discrete mathematical model of the net movement as a system of material points' elastic interaction, as well as these components interaction with the space debris surface. The possibility of capturing an orbiter type object, rotating with significant angular velocity was demonstrated through this model. The article demonstrates that capturing the object, rotating with angular speed of 5 degrees per second, requires the speed of the net relative to the space debris from 2 to 5 m/s. To capture an object, rotating with angular speed of 30 degrees per second, the net speed should be no less than 10 m/s.
space debris, space tug, capture, netReferences
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