Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles
*, **, **, **Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111116, Russia
The article presents analysis of a concept of the distributed power plant (DDP) while its integration with a “flying wing” type flying vehicle.
A modified airframe model of a prospective long-range aircraft (LRA) of PJSC “Tupolev” development with two power plants integrated into the tail-end was selected as a flying vehicle.
Those power plants represent a bypass turbojet engine where two taken-out fan modules are driven by mechanical transmission from fan turbine of this turbojet. The choice in favor of a mechanical way of power transfer for the aircraft of 2030 level is based on the results earlier performed studies on the engines of new schemes in CIAM named after P.I.Baranov.
The results obtained while numerical modeling of the flow on the upper surface of an LRA airframe were also employed. This modeling revealed that for a long-range flight the mean values of the full pressure's losses prior to the fans differed greatly and depended monotonously on the flow deceleration level in the air intake. According to the calculations, the average value the full pressure restoration coefficients was correspondingly ~0,923 for the first fan module, ~0,952 for the bypass turbojet and ~0,958 for the second fan module.
Refining of the earlier developed model of the distributed power plant was performed to evaluate the impact of the conditions at the inlet of each of fan modules. The performed of mathematical model refinement allowed implementing independent selection of parameters, dimensionality and gear-ratios of reducing gear for DPP fan modules drive, as well as performing independent regulation of output devices of these modules.
The article considers separately the impact of the two main factors on the engine thrust, namely, the fall of the full presure level at the inlet, and its proper heterogeneities.
Calculations revealed that for the earlier selected DPP option while its integration into the flying vehicle under consideration, regulation of nozzles of the turbojet bypass loop and fan modules was required at the cruising mode. With this, gas temperature increase prior to the turbine by ~70 К was required.
Three different variants of the engine which allow excluding the above said regulation were investigated while this work.
The first variant is a version with fans equal by dimensionality and pressure ratio at the designed cruising mode.
The second variant is a version with the first fan module with the pressure ratio increased by 5% relative to the BTJEs fan at the cruising mode.
The third variant is a version with first fan module air consumption decreased by 50% at the cruising mode.
Parametric studies performed employing the develop methodology allowed selecting the degree of bypassing and the degree of pressure increase in the fan optimal by the specific fuel consumption at the cruising mode for each DPP option. The dimensionality of fan modules and main DPP units was refined with account for various losses levels at the inlet.
Analysis of effects associated with the presence of a non-uniform field of the full pressure and leading to its average level decrease at the fan inlet revealed that impact of the presence of non-uniformity might be from 15 to 30% of total impact on the engine thrust.
At the same time, while the power plant parameters selection at the cruising mode with account for the degraded coefficients of the full pressure preservation prior to the fan, the fall of the thrust level due to the proper non-uniformity might be ~2,53% at the given mode. This should be accounted for while selecting an optimal DPP appearance of the configuration under consideration.
turbojet bypass engine, perspective long-range airсcraft, core of gas-generator of a turbojet bypass engine, fan module, turbojet bypass engine designing, distributed power plantReferences
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