Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles
*, **, ***Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia
The requirements for the ground based gas turbine installations efficiency improvement are constantly increasing.
Heat conversion into work in gas turbine engines, operating by the Brayton cycle, is attended by significant losses, which depend on the cycle parameters and reach up to 60-70% or more. At present, high-tech aircraft engines and their modifications are widely used as ground-based gas turbine plants, making provision for the gas turbines efficiency improvement based on the of combined thermodynamic cycles application.
The article considers the schemes of gas turbine units (GTU) for ground application with combined cycles, allowing improve their efficiency. One of the ways for the gas turbine units cycle improving is heat regeneration of the exhaust gases by installing a heat exchanger at the turbine outlet where a part of the heat is transferred into the air behind the compressor. However, relative bulkiness and substantial weight of the heat exchanger (even of plate type) do not allow at present active application of this scheme in aviation, but it is widely employed in ground applications.
In the case of ground based gas turbine unit, heat exchangers are located in the exhaust chamber or tower behind a power turbine. Thermal ratio of the most widely used tubular heat exchangers is θ = 0.8-0.9, and plate- type heat exchangers are characterized by the thermal ratio of θ = 0.5-0.8.
It is obvious that the main parameters of the thermodynamic cycle of gas turbines unite, such as the gas temperature T*g and the compressor pressure ratio (π* kΣ ), as well as the parameters determining the working process of additional units (heat regenerators, steam turbine, etc.) of the combined installation play an important role in its efficiency improving. Comprehensive optimization of these cycle parameters is the main goal of the gas-turbine combined unit thermodynamic design.
Computer models of a gas turbine unit with combined thermodynamic cycles developed in the ASTRA SAE-system allowed solve the problems of nonlinear multi-criteria optimization of their operating parameters, determine the most rational schemes depending on the intended purpose and operating conditions of the gas turbine unit.
Russian Turbofan engine TRDDF RD-33 was selected as the basis for studying the heat regeneration impact on efficiency effectiveness. Its low pressure compressor was cut off to eliminate the bypass duct while converting it into ground based installation.
The following variation values of the cycle basic thermodynamic parameters were selected (π*kΣ = 15, 30, 45, 60 и T*g = 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100 K). The GTE module without exhaust gases heat regeneration and a GTE with exhaust gases heat regeneration were developed employing ASTRA computer program. The paper presents some results of the study on GTE efficiency improvement.
gas-turbine installation, heat regeneration, work process parameters, scheme, effective efficiency, thermodynamic cycle, optimizationReferences
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