Analytical technique for magnetic field calculation in active zone of electric motors with superconducting excitation and armature windings

Electrical Engineering

Electromechanics and electric apparatus


Zhuravlev S. V.*, Zechikhin B. S., Ivanov N. S.**, Nekrasova Y. Y.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Creation of systems with electric motors application is complicated by the restricted potential for conventional electromechanical transducers characteristics upgrading, namely due to their low specific and voluminous power. In this regard, Russian and foreign scientists are working on creating apparatuses based on high-temperature superconductors (HTS), which, as the studies demonstrate, are capable of ensuring higher values of specific power. In particular, developments of superconductor electric motors for prospective all-electric aircraft, sea vessels electric propulsion and wind-driven power plants are renowned. The article presents the problem solution of computing magnetic fields distribution in the active zone and parameters of excitation and armature windings of electric motor based on high temperature superconductors and ferromagnetic yoke of rotor and stator. The above said problem can be reduced to computing of the magnetic field, created by periodical system of current coils, placed between the two cylindrical ferromagnetic areas under the following conditions: the ferromagnetic sections permeability is assumed infinite, and the motor is considered long enough. The current coils systems herewith may be both of various external and internal radiuses, and of equal ones. As a result, a technique based on Poisson and Laplace equations solution relative to vector magnetic potential was developed. The active zone complicated area of a motor herewith was represented as a set of simple homogeneous partial areas according to the harmonic analysis method. The obtained formulas bear general character and can be employed for the computing parameters of motors of various structural schemes. The proposed technique accounts for the superconductor critical parameters, including the transport current dependence on the external magnetic field; the number of pairs of poles, high-order harmonics impact; the number of slots per pole and q phase. This technique can be applied to the ring armature winding. The solution presented in the article allows determine the HTS motor basic parameters such as quiescent E.M.F., inductive resistance of the armature winding phase, power, weight, etc. HTS generator computing was performed using the obtained formulas. The size of the motor active zone was obtained in accordance with the above mentioned computations. Finite elements analysis of magnetic fields distribution was performed to verify the analytical calculations results and their correction. The obtained results testify the high accuracy of the developed technique.


synchronous generator, synchronous motor, HTS, analytical calculation of magnetic fields distribution


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