Computer Science and Control
*, *Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
*e-mail: mai_kaf604@mail.ru
An analytical approach is considered to solve a variational trajectory optimization problem for spacecraft center of mass in the Newtonian field. Classes of extremal and optimal thrust arcs, which are classifield depending on values of power and specific impulse are defined using the Clebsch condition. Two classes of analytical solutions are obtained for extremal spacecraft motion with a limited power. The thrust arc solutions obtained can be used in spacecraft maneuvers design for transfer into some specified orbit or for escape from some elliptical orbit. The analytical definition technique to find extremal solutions of the variational problem can be used as a tool to obtain reference trajectories needed to solve spacecraft guidance problems.Keywords:
optimization problem; analytical method; extreme solution; reference orbit; elliptical orbit
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