Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles
*, **, ***, ****State Institute of Aviation Systems, 7, Victorenko str., Moscow, 125319, Russia
*e-mail: kngubernatorov@2100.gosniias.ru
**e-mail: makiselev@2100.gosniias.ru
***e-mail: yvmoroshkin@2100.gosniias.ru
****e-mail: aychekin@2100.gosniias.ru
The reliability of the more electric aircraft and its systems must not be less than the reliability of the conventional aircraft and systems to meet the required safety level. The level of the system reliability is specified in the part 25 or 23 of FAR. Power system of the more electric aircraft is a very important system due to the approach of ensuring the dragging and operating systems, such as control system and landing gear system. The weight-size parameters and the reliability of the more electric aircraft power system are opposite and depend of the power and energy system architecture.
This article demonstrates an approach to the architecture design of the more electric aircraft power system, that follows modern trends and ensures the required safety level and minimum volume and mass using state-of-the-art technologies, such as permanent-magnet generator and power electronics.
The current reliability level of power supply system elements (generators, rectifiers) cannot provide an extremely improbable event of the functional failure of the power generation system. Thus, the power supply system designers are forced install emergency (alternative) power sources such as batteries, a RAT, and auxiliary power unit, providing power to important systems to complete the flight and perform a safe landeing. These systems for example represent to an engine and an aircraft control system. The emergency (alternative) power supplies and the associated cables and switching system possess a considerable mass and volume. For example, the modern aircraft such as Boeing-787 and Airbus-350 have a very complicated power system to meet the required level of reliability. So these systems employ additional power converters, batteries, ram-air turbines and complicated distribution system. All of these have mass and occupy the aircraft volume.
Here is another example. The MC-21 emergency energy system weight is about 85% of the main energy system weight.
Hence, we can conclude that in order to meet the safety requirements, the power supply system designers should install almost one more power generation system onboard.
It is worth adding, that besides generation function the emergency power sources perform some other functions such main engines on-board starting, voltage ripples smoothing in the DC power systems with batteries and other. However, these functions are not taken into account in the presented article. The main attention is paid to the electric power supply system architecture developing, which meets the safety requirements, and contains minimum set of components to reduce weight-size parameters at large.
system reliability, aircraft systems architecture, more electrified aircraft, flight safetyReferences
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