Simulation as a substantiation of the trace contaminants removal system selection

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles


Shustrov T. L.

Scientific Research and Design Institute of Chemical Engineering, NIIchimmash, 14, Bolshaya Novodmitrovskaya str., Moscow, 127015, Russia



The article is dedicated to one of the most important problems while preparing any potential long-term or interplanetary space missions, namely the inefficiency of the life support subsystems employed at the habitable spacecraft. The article focuses mainly on the trace contaminants removal system (TCRS) being an important element of the space object life support system. It purifies the atmosphere of an object from any contaminants, and keeps it at the predetermined chemical balance.

The main hazards requiring permanent system regeneration and its keeping at the maximal possible technical level are as follows:

  • Atypical habitability conditions at the space object;

  • The crew impact (chemicals secretion as a metabolism result), as well as the spacecraft itself (chemicals emission as a result of degradation of coverings, used for internal plating, ) on the artificial living space.

The artificial atmosphere of any isolated airtight object is affected by its inhabitants, which could lead to the sensitive equipment failures, destructive emergencies, and deaths among the crewmembers. The presented article suggests employing simulation model as an attempt to improve the design and production of the future trace contaminants removal systems. The model allows computing the resulting amount of trace contaminants formed by any number of potential sources. The model structure provides the designer with maximum flexibility while the process regulation, which might help while creating individual configuration of the trace contaminants removal systems with account for the space mission scenario.

The article presents mathematical/technical description, structure, and examples of the simulations results. Most subprocesses are at the final stage of testing. The simulation results correspond to the telemetry data from the space station. In the future, after the final testing the authors plan to create the “artificial helper” for the model that will perform automatic selection of the trace contaminants removal system based on the results obtained after the simulation.


space object life support system, space object gas medium, manned spacecraft habitability, trace contaminants formation, trace contaminants properties, trace contaminants removal, modelling of equipment for gas media purification from trace contaminants, simulation of substances emission into gas medium


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