Structure analysis of the strategic plans of the space-rocket industry development by method of space functional and industrial technologies R&D classification

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles


Gaponenko O. V.*, Gavrin D. S.**, Sviridova E. S.***

NPO “Technomash”, 40, 3rd proezd Mar’inoi Roshchi, Moscow, 127018, Russia

***e-mail: e.sviridova@tm.fsa


The task of a subject for study classification arises while information analysis support of strategic programs for space-rocket industry technological development and managerial decision making on a sectorial level. In this case, it is an aggregate of scheduled measures, namely research and development work (R&D) on the cosmonautics and aerospace industry technological development.

The existing R&D classification in Federal target and Government programs (FTP) “Military-industrial complex development of the Russian Federation” does not fUlly reflect the structure of program activities, i.e. an aggregate R&D technological development R&D, and is applicable only to industrial technologies. In the Federal Space Program (FSP) the R&D is classified according to the target purpose of finished products. The R&D classification employing is not applicable in other FTP and vice versa. In the authors’ opinion, classification according to technological trends is the most efficient.

In domestic practice of analytical studies associated with the space activities technological R&D are subdivided into the intrinsic cosmonautics technologies (the space functional technologies), and industrial technologies for the space engineering development (the space industrial technologies).

There are also the third system-wide studies in the programs of cosmonautics and rocket building development, besides the functional and industrial technologies. These include complex system analytical research.

The forecasting of the space technology development without accounting for the capabilities of aerospace industry risks turning into vain dreams and fiction, and vice versa, the development of industrial production with no strategic targets in the form of promising space technologies may lead (and already leads) to creation of inefficient and economically unviable production structures.

The same technology, depending on the stage of the product life cycle of aerospace technology, can be attributed both to the target technology and to the of industrial production technology.

The unified R&D classification system of aerospace functional and aerospace manufacturing technologies and system-wide research effort is advisable. There is a necessity of a unified classifier for the cosmonautics development strategic programs (FSP, state programs “Development of the MIC”, strategic programs and plans of other governments) in parts of R&D sections.

The article proposes a unified classifier of space- rocket and manufacturing technologies. It is based on the classification features of technologies used by NASA in the technological road maps of 2015.

The classifier was realized by the authors in the form of an object-relational database on PostgreSQL. The database is switched as an external data source to Excel, and further the analytical capabilities of the free Excel table mechanisms are used.

A comparative analysis of R&D technologies performed by NASA, the European Space Agency and State Space Corporation “Roscosmos” within the framework of long-term strategic programs of space activity was performed using the developed classifier. The classifier allows also compare the same technological trend in different programs.

Besides the number of works the developed classifier allows analyzing their financing, starting/ ending dates and starting/ending level of technological readiness by technological trends.

The classifier allows reveal the technological development trends, to which most attention is paid in the states participants of the space activities, and vice versa which are related to unessential, and their studies are not financed by strategic programs. The structural specifics of each of the considered programs of technological development can be analyzed.

Practical implementation of techniques, associated with program events classification forming and scientific-methodological support of the strategic programs of national space-rocket industry development (including application of the classifier suggested by the authors) with subsequent analysis of the obtained classes will contribute to the managerial decisions effectiveness in Russian space-rocket industry, and eventually in rational implementation of the State budgetary funds allotted for this purpose.


cosmonautics and rocket-space industry technological trends, space functional and industrial technologies classifier, PostgreSQL


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