A project of the “Synchropter” type high-speed helicopter with pushing air propeller

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles


Nikitin S. O.*, Makeev P. V.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: luber6785@yandex.ru
**e-mail: vaultcity13@gmail.com


Due to the helicopters ability to perform vertical take-off and landing, as well as effective operation while hover mode, they became indispensable practically in all regions of the world. With that, the requirements for the helicopters flight performance enhancement become ever more acute, primarily concerning the increase in speed and range.

Currently, a number of rotary-winged aircraft structures of vertical take-off and landing, realizing increase in speed and flight range, are under development and in some cases at the stage of testing and batch production in leading world countries. There is a number of concepts and technical solutions, mainly in the field of aerodynamics, allowing increase a helicopter cruising speed. In this regard, the exploratory research and these projects implementation development are highly relevant.

The presented work is devoted to creation of a project of a perspective passenger high-speed aircraft with vertical take-off and landing based on a helicopter with intermeshing rotors and a pushing air propeller.

The project employs a set of the following technical solutions:

-    The blades rotational speed reduction (from 220 to 180 mps) as the flight speed increase; special arrow­shaped tips setting on the blades to reduce to zero the probability of a wave crisis on the advancing blades with flight speed increasing;

-    Balancing the unbalanced lateral tilting moments on the two rotors of a “synchropter” scheme, rotating in opposite directions;

-     Application of rotors with elastic torsion sleeves;

-    Application of a system of the blades individual control to prevent the flow disruption on the retreating blades;

-    The aircraft fuselage layout with account for the specifics of the scheme with low frontal resistance at near-zero angles of attack;

-    Application of a propulsion propeller with maximum efficiency in operating conditions.

The capabilities of modern computer-aided design technologies were demonstrated while the project developing. The main emphasis is made on the aircraft dynamic designing with implementation of modern tendencies of the high-speed helicopters development. The main limitations and possible ways for the helicopter speed increase implementation were considered. The article presents the computational results of aerodynamic characteristics with account for the decisions made.

The developed project has the following characteristics: the take-off weight of 6500 kg, payload mass of 1000 kg, maximum speed of 420 km / h, static ceiling of 4700 m, dynamic ceiling of 5600 m, and flight range of 1228 km.

The obtained results indicate the achievement of indicators close to the modern world level, demonstrated on similar developed helicopters.

The developed project has prospects for further flight performance improvement by improving the‘ aerodynamic characteristics of the fuselage, propellers, as well as exploiting more fully the capabilities of the individual blade control system.


flying vehicle design, perspective highspeed helicopter, synchropter type main rotor, pushing propeller, aerodynamic design, numerical modeling, flight performance


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