Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles
Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, 10, Karl Marks str., Kazan, 420111, Russia
The fuel burning in the combustion chamber of a gas turbine engine (GTE) is attended by toxic substances formation. Carbon oxides, having deleterious effect on human and environment, are of particular danger. In this regard, the article solves the actual problem of determining the optimal method of gaseous fuel supplying to the GTE combustion chamber to ensure low emission of carbon oxide.
The article considers the burner with two types of injectors, differing by the gas spray method. The first injector is a centrifugal gas injector (CGI), and the second one is a jet injector (JI).
A technique of target feeding of a jet, formed by the injector in the burner unit was developed.
The fire tests of nozzles were performed. While the tests performing, it was revealed that during the burner operation with the fuel feeding by the CGI, the flame front was being stabilized along the walls of the burner nozzle extension with visible hollow red colored core. Behind the main flame, the reddish “tail” which length corresponded to the length of the main flame was observed. This indicates that the fuel has no time to burn out in the primary zone, and flame front is stretching out.
In this regard, the quality determination of air-fuel mixture preparation in the swirled jet at the outlet of burners with two types of nozzles was performed. It was established, that the nozzle with the jet-like fuel atomization ensured the best mixing quality. The engine throttle characteristics were determined, and carbon oxides concentration in the combustion products measuring was performed by the results of the experiments. The results demonstrated that with the power increase the carbon oxide concentration level in the combustion products decreases. The 25% from the initial variant decrease in concentration was observed herewith for the combustion chamber with JI, which corresponds to the 28775-90 State Standard.
combustion chamber of gas-turbine engine, emission reduction, diffusion combustion, nozzle, burner, mixingReferences
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