Psychophysiological condition assessment of an operator of the ground complex’s ergative system

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Ground complexes, launching equipment, flying vehicle operation


Volkov S. S.

The Military Academy of Strategic Rocket Troops after Peter the Great, 8, Karbysheva str., Balashikha, Moscow region, 143900, Russia



The article considers an automated system for psychophysiological condition (PPhC) assessment of a flight crew, spacemen, test pilots and other representatives of the airspace industry. The PPhC operation is based on the gas discharge visualization (GDV) method.

The purpose of the work consists in demonstrating the effectiveness and necessity of the psychophysiological state monitoring of the ergative system operators. The ergative system operators are the flight crew of both military and civil aviation; astronauts; test pilots; robotic systems specialists.

This work novelty consists in the GDV method application in a new area. The interest to this method application is caused by the fact that operators are working in special conditions of professional activities. In this regard, they suffer fatigue, overtiredness, undersleeping, performance decrement, stress etc. The PPhC neglecting may lead to tragic aftermath. Thus, the authors suggest developing prospective automated system for operators’ psychophysiological condition estimation, which would allow monitor operators’ readiness to perform their service duties while their professional activities.

During the survey, the snapshots of ten fingers are made with the filter, and another ten without it. The obtained images are being separated into sectors. Further, the mathematical apparatus described in the article is applied to them. The stressed background and normalized glow area, necessary for the psychophysiological state determining, are being computed. After obtaining the information on the operator’s PPhC the official takes a decision on the given person’s readiness to perform his service duties.

The results of the studies allowed developing an algorithm for the software operation of the operatots PPhC estimation system. Neural network technologies are supposed to be the basis of this work. They will improve and expedite the information processing process.

The automated PPhS estimation system, described in the article, introduction into the aerospace industry, will allow monitoring the health of the flight crew, cosmonauts, test pilots and robotic complexes operators, as well as reduce the risk of injury and death while equipment operation.


automation process, automated control system, gas-discharge visualization method, MATLAB, neuron network


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