Experimental approbation of free-falling uncontrolled containers application, employing short-range unmanned aerial vehicles

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles


Anan’ev A. V.*, Filatov S. V., Petrenko S. P., Rybalko A. G.**

Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia

*e-mail: sasha303_75@mail.ru
**e-mail: rybalkovvs@yandex.ru


Suppression of enemy’s air defense systems by employing small size striking unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) to reduce the risk of the piloted aircraft fire damaging is a topical task. The world practice of the small-sized UAV application for striking with free- falling uncontrolled containers (FFUC) is a premise for their application. The majority of scientific publications, describing the UAV striking application, are based, in general, on mass media information, combat effectiveness estimation simplified to its lowest limit, expert esteems of the UAV combat effectiveness without their transformation into qualitative estimations. Highly in-depth academic studies are known also. However, they are based on the probabilistic apparatus, which application is impossible due to the lack of probabilistic laws and random values parameters required for the calculations.

Thus, by this time, the full-fledged computational ballistic algorithms for the small size striking UAVs cannot be realized in practice. With account for the above said, practical approbation of the UAV striking application as the most crucial stage of the aviation complexes lifetime is of first and foremost interest.

Thus, the first and most valid method for the UAV striking capabilities estimation is performing experimental ballistic tests. Their results can be employed for such UAVs efficiency estimation in striking variant, and forming tabulated data on FFUC hitting accuracy, parameters spread, according to which firing tables will be composed.

To reach the purpose set in this work, the following problems were defined and solved:

- The target environment was created for refinement of the FFUC practical application employing UAV;

- Estimation of FFUC with UAV application in striking embodiment on the land objects with application of the simplified deflection measuring technique and estimates of arguments of the FFUC dispersion was performed;

- Statistical data on experimental UAV application in striking mode while hitting ground objects and the enemy’s manpower, for subsequent determination s of FFUC dispersion were collected and processed.

A target, simulating the command center of the medium range surface-to-air missile system battery was employed while testing.

Systematized data on the FFUC dropping were obtained according to the results of the work. They can be utilized for mathematical support developing for the command post of the short range UAVs in striking configuration while developing aiming algorithms.

The obtained results confirm the hitting effectiveness of the FFUC equipped with ammunition of “tactical grenades” type of the enemy manpower and vulnerable (light armored) ground objects.

By results of the obtained statistical data and preliminary calculations, the accuracy of the FFUC application was from 8 m to 10 m.


unmanned aerial vehicle, free-falling uncontrolled containers, ground objects hitting, experimental flights, zone of guaranteed target killing


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