Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science
Mechanical Engineering Technology
*, **Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia
The article tackles the issue of determining the error caused by the workpiece thermal deformations occurring in the holes drilling process in a part, being the main part of the unbraked wheel of the aircraft landing gear and is called the “Drum”.
The article describes the mechanism of these errors occurrence. A method for the treatment process simulation was developed, and proposed an algorithm for estimating the error in the workpiece size occurred due the thermal deformation while drilling.
The article consists of three main parts, namely introduction, body part and conclusions.
The introduction considers the mechanism of errors occurrence due to thermal deformations of the workpiece, which in turn presents one of the total machining error components. It presents the cases when this error may significantly affect the total machining error. Thus, it is relevant that this error component is estimated.
The basic part presents a method for computing the temperature in the cutting zone for further machining process simulation. It describes the object of simulation, i.e. the operation of drilling a through hole of 13.5 mm diameter with the tolerance range of 120 μm in a workpiece from the ML12 magnesium alloy with the cutting modes recommended by the cutting tools manufacturer, namely, the cutting speed of 264 m/min and feeding of 0.35mm/rev. An algorithm for the size error estimation is presented as a block diagram. The step-by-step description of the hole drilling simulation process is presented on the example of this operation. As a result, the temperature distribution, equivalent von Mises stresses, and displacements caused by thermal deformations over the part volume were obtained. Based on the diagram of displacements, caused by thermal deformations, the error was 191 μm at the specified cutting modes and machining conditions, which appeared greater than the tolerance range by the size of the hole.
The conclusions note that the cutting parameters recommended by the cutting tool manufacturer do not always provide the required machining accuracy. It was concluded that the required accuracy was not achieved for a specific hole drilling operation. The ways leading to the error reduction due to changes in cutting parameters, as well application of the other types of cutting fluid are presented in the conclusion.
thermal deformations simulation, temperature in the cutting zone, holes drilling in a workpiece, workpiece size errorReferences
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