Methods for determining technical potential state of the enterprises based on a modified model of factors of production

Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science

Mechanical Engineering Technology


Zhemerdeev O. V.*, Kondratenko A. N.**

NPO “Technomash”, 40, 3rd proezd Mar’inoi Roshchi, Moscow, 127018, Russia



The core indicators, characterizing the enterprise technological capacity are technical level of production (TL), identified by the technical level of the leading elements of the fixed productive assets (FPA), and wear-out (W). The existing equipment classification is expanded with account for clean zones and premises (CZ&P). Each FPA element group in the classification is associated with the TL (l), adopting values fr om 1 to 7. Accounting for CZ&P is especially relevant while determining the TL of an instrument making enterprises, production of electronic components and optical elements, as well as some assembling industries of machine building.

Basic coefficient of the technical level of production at the enterprise is defined as a weighted average value (l). Weighting factors calculation is performed employing gross book (replacement) value of the group elements adduced to the prices of the current year, using deflator indexes of the Ministry of Economic Development “Fixed Investments”. The calculating formula is based on the effect of labor efforts decrease with the technical level (l) growth, and weighting factor considers the accomplished capital investments has been made. The TL coefficient for particular production method (technological lim it) is defined similarly.

The transitive coefficient of production TL is an extra tool for monitoring and prediction of the technical level of production. Its calculation is similar to the of the calculation of the basic coefficient technical level of production. With this, while weighting coefficients computing, besides the gross book (replacement) value of the group elements the real wear-out of FPA elements is considered. To determine the real wear-put of the elements it is most preferable to employ the probability models approach based on lognormal distribution. The TL transitive coefficient presents interest for the basic TL coefficient trend forming due to the FPA elements disposal. Actual wear-out (W) is determined as a weighted average value of actual wear of FPA elements.

The developed method is based on an accessible input data, and the proposed variables of technological capacity are “tied” with the capital investments.


technical potential, fixed assets, technical level of production, clean zones and premises, marginal rate of technical substitution, probabilistic models method, lognormal distribution, Weibull distribution


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