Problems of civil aircraft design with regard to cabin noise requirements

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2019-4-28-41


Moshkov P. A.

Yakovlev Corporation Regional Aircraft Branch, 26, Leninskaya Sloboda str., Moscow, 115280, Russia



The presented work is devoted to the problem of modern aircraft design with classical power plant layout, i.e. two turbofan engines on pylons under the wing, with account for the cabin noise requirements. The objective of the work consists in developing the list of scientific research and development activities, which execution is necessary for an aircraft design by the specified parameters of acoustic comfort.

The article considers the problem of noise level normalization in the aircraft cabin and cockpit. The main sources noise in the cabin were determined based on SSJ-100 aircraft testing. To minimize their sound pressure levels in the cabin a list of works while civil aircraft design was developed.

Determining relative contribution of various sources to the total sound pressure level along the cabin length, measured with the A-weighted scale of a standard noise level meter, is necessary for the right selection of methods and means for its reduction. The main sources of noise in the cabin and cockpit are the systems for air conditioning and ventilation, as well as pressure pulsation fields in the boundary layer on the aircraft fuselage surface.

Noise from the engines vibrational impact does not appear to be significant while evaluating total noise level in dBA. Acoustic radiation of the power plant, such as ventilator and jet noise, does not affect total levels of sound pressure weighted by A scale of a standard noise level meter in the cabin and cock pit at the cruise flight mode. The sound of aircraft avionics is not a significant source. But it can be said in general that placement of aircraft equipment systems aggregates should be executed with account for their acoustic characteristics.

The noise level they create in the cabin should be 10-15 dBA lower than the calculated sound pressure level in the cabin of the aircraft under development, determined at the control point of the cabin as the energy sum of noises from air conditioning system and turbulent boundary layer.

The results of this work can be used in the design of modern civil aircraft, with regard for the requirements to acoustic comfort.

The cabin noise problems of civil aircraft was considered. It was shown, based on the SSJ-100 flight tests that the dominant sources of noise in the cabin were the turbulent boundary layer and air conditioning system. The main directions of scientific and research activities, necessary for the aircraft design according to the specified parameters of acoustic comfort were formulated for these two main sources. Basic methods for noise reduction in the cabin were considered.


aircraft design, cabin noise, noise reduction techniques, acoustic tests, civil aircraft, sound insulation, acoustic comfort


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