The onboard mathematical model application to control gas turbine engine with extra combustion chamber

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2019-4-90-97


Gol'berg F. D.*, Gurevich O. S.**, Zuev S. A.***, Petukhov A. .****

Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111116, Russia



Modern gas turbine engines control is performed by the parameters accessible for measuring, which for the most part characterize indirectly the engine critical parameters such as thrust value R, specific fuel consumption CR, as well as parameters, affecting directly operational safety and reliability, such as gas temperature  in the combustion chamber (CC), stall margin (ΔSm) etc.

Employing the all-modes self-identified thermo­gas-dynamic model of the above said engine in modern digital automatic control systems (ACS) offer scopes for new opportunities of substantial control quality enhancing. This model allows computing with high precision the engine critical parameters in real-time scale, and realize the engine control directly by these parameters.

The article presents the results of studying such methods for controlling the fuel consumption GFE into extra combustion chamber, and nozzle throat area FT of the multi-mode engine.

The scheme of structural and algorithmic construction of such system is introduced.

Implementation of the three control programs, such as thrust changing RΣ depending on throttle position, and minimum  and maximum  values limiting of the air-to-fuel ratio αECC in the extra combustion chamber is being accomplished by affecting the fuel consumption (GFE).

Ensuring the minimum possible value of the specific total fuel consumption C = (GFM + GFA )/RΣ) , as well as restriction of fan stall margin, are implemented by affecting nozzle throat area by the extremal controller.

The effectiveness evaluation of the control methods under consideration was brought about by the integrated mathematical models “Engine – ACS – Onboard Mathematical Model” employed in CIAM.

It was shown, that direct engine thrust control by the impact on fuel consumption into the extra combustion chamber allowed ensuring the thrust value invariance to the engine components degradation while in operation.

The impact on the nozzle throat area herewith minimizes specific fuel consumption and limits the fan stall margin.


automatic control system, gas turbine engine, “virtual engine”, nozzle throat area, fuel consumption, extra combustion chamber


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