Working process mathematical modelling of aircraft gas turbine engine in condition of elements icing of its air-gas channel

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2019-4-123-133


Ezrokhi Y. A.*, Kadzharduzov P. A.**

Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111116, Russia



The article presents general approaches to of aviation gas turbine engine operation modelling in icing conditions.

Component-level engine model is considered, in which the parameters, determining each component operation mode, represent a set of independent variables. These variables values are computed as the result of solving a system of nonlinear equations that determine conditions for the engine system components concurrent operation and its control laws Airflow continuity with account for its bleed and leaks, compressor and turbine power balance for the shaft of each engine are related to the concurrent work conditions, while fuel feeding conditions to the main combustion chamber and afterburner, as well as conditions, determining position of the nozzle actuator inlet guide vanes are related to the control laws.

It is assumed, that the ice formation in air-gas channel of this or that compressor stage, which leads to its airflow capacity reduction due to reduction of its conditional cylinder area of the inlet cross-section. The losses level the of inlet total pressure increase in the compression duct in consequence of inevitably occurring deterioration of compressor elements flow-around due to icing. Quantitative values of these impacts are determined from the engine gas-flow channel sizes, rate of ice growth, as well as the results of well-known generalizations on the unevenness effect of gas-flow channel on the total pressure losses in it.

Ice accretion rate may be set as data of engine testing results in icing conditions, or as a variable allowing evaluating its effect on the main engine performance parameters (thrust, rotation frequency, fuel consumption etc.). The other way to identify the ice accretion rate is solving of complicated thermodynamic problem of ice accretion on this of that part of engine duct surfaces.

The possibilities of the developed mathematical model were demonstrated based on data of test results of the ALF502R turbofan engine tested in ice crystal conditions in NASA Glenn Research Center. Good calculated and tests results matching herewith was demonstrated, which indicates the principal and proved approaches of turbofan operation modeling under the influence of this external factor.


mathematical modeling, gas-turbine engine, icing, engine performance


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