Assessment techniques for psychophysiological state of special purpose systems operators

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Ground complexes, launching equipment, flying vehicle operation

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2019-4-174-183


Volkov S. S.

The Military Academy of Strategic Rocket Troops after Peter the Great, 8, Karbysheva str., Balashikha, Moscow region, 143900, Russia



The article deals with assessing techniques for psychophysiological state (PPhS) of a flight crew, cosmonauts, test pilots and other representatives of the aerospace industry. An approach, involving gas discharge visualization method in conjunction with fuzzy logic system for psychophysiological state monitoring is being offered for consideration. Prospectives of automation system for psychophysiological state assessment techniques implementation in the interests of aerospace comples are demonstrated.

The purpose of the work consists in demonstrating the increase of the PPhS assessment quality of special purpose systems operators of the aerospace industry. Special purpose systems operators are both civil and military aviation flight crew, cosmonauts, test pilots, and specialists dealing with robotic systems.

This work novelty lies in the intelligent tools application for operators’ PPhS determining. The interest to this method application is caused by the fact that human ability to perform professional duties is characterized by his psychophysiological state. Psychophysiological state monitoring of operators of special purpose systems (SPS) of aerospace industry allows increasing efficiency of their decisions and raise their readiness to perform special duties. Eventually, the ability to perform special duties unconditionally may and must be controlled and monitored to enhance readiness to perform the assigned task during the periods of flying vehicles flights and testing.

In this respect, the necessity for performing control of SPS operators of aerospace industry at the stage of their preparation for flights and tests performing, as well as during special assignments performing with automation tools application is imminent. It would allow assess with certain fidelity their readiness to perform the assigned tasks during flights and tests, and point out to particular official the necessity to pay attention to this or that pilot, cosmonaut or technician. However, such control implementation is not possible without methodological tools and means for assessing flight crews, cosmonauts and other aerospace industry prepresentatives fitness for their functional assignment.

As the result of the studies, an algorithm of the decision-making support system with fuzzy logic system for automated assesment system of PPhS operators was developed.The fuzzy logic system operation is based on the Mamdani algorithm.

The PPhS assessment techniques implementation, described in the article, in the aerospace industry will allow monitoring the health of the flight crew, cosmonauts, test pilots and operators of robotic systems, as well as reducing the risk of injury and mortality factor while equipment operation.


automation processes, automated control system, gas-discharge visualization method, fuzzy logic


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