Experimental pressure-flow characteristics determining of micropumps for orbital station biotechnical system

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Control and testing of flying vehicles and their systems

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2019-4-184-190


Boyarskii G. G.*, Sorokin A. E., Khaustov A. I.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: glebboyarsky@gmail.com
**e-mail: khaustov.alex@mail.r


While conducting research at the space stations, great attention is paid to revealing the weightlessness effect on the cells, which allows the results transferring to the other objects and models in various areas of biology and medicine. For such studies performing, the authors suggest to apply a biotechnical system for cell culture (BTS CC) in conditions of spaceflight, which main element is a micropump, meeting the following requirements:

– to possess minimum size: diameter of not more than 10 mm, and length of not more than 50 mm,

– to ensure a liquid supply with viscosity of 1 cSt from zero to 0.1 liters per minute,

– to ensure pressure of up to 3 J/kg.

The existing techniques for axial pumps design do not allow correctly determine the micropump geometric size and its pressure-flow characteristic, since with a pump size reduction compared to the full- size pump, relative size of gaps and roughness increase, which changes significantly redistribution of the velocities fields and volume leakages, as well as disk and friction losses. A micropump designing with such specifics requires new structural and designing concepts.

Based on the full-size pump designing experience and with account for the BTS CC pump operation specifics, a new micropump of 6.5 mm diameter and 45 mm length was developed. Its control block allow changing rotation speed and the electric motor and impeller of the micropump by setting the current frequency and value, varying hereby the pump delivery and pressure.

Any pump characteristic is its head dependence H on delivery Q at various rotation frequencies of the pump shaft, i.e. H = f (Q, n). Thus, to determine the micropump pressure-flow characteristics, experimental studies are necessary to examine the effect of geometric size and mode parameters on its characteristics.

The main difficulties in the pressure-flow characteristics determining of micro-pumps, i.e. the dependence of the pump head on its supply and shaft speed, is their small size, commensurable with the sensors size.

Analysis of publications related to the study of fluid micro-flows in micro-pumps revealed that they use tracers were employed for this purpose, which introduction disrupts the micro-pump operation. Thus, to determine micro -pumps characteristics, a test

bench was designed and manufactured. It includes non­inertial micro-sensors (for the pressure drop-head registration and measurement). The flow rate was measured by weight, with account for the liquid evaporability. The micropump pressure-flow

characteristics are modeled by changing hydraulic resistance at the pump outlet by varying the flow section of the throttle. The measurements were repeated for different speeds of the impeller shaft from 2000 to 20,000 rpm.

The results of the tests revealed that the micropump pressure-flow characteristic represent a falling dependence typical for the full-sized axial pumps. However, stratification of dynamic characteristics is being observed at various impeller rotation frequencies. Thus, for the range of n1 > 8000 rpm the pressure-flow characteristic goes higher, than for n2 < 8000 rpm. The obtained pressure-flow characteristic of the developed micro-pump allows estimating the effect of the micropump micro-sizes on its efficiency.


axial micropump, pressure-flow characteristic, biotechnical system, orbital station


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