Stealthy movement of aerial object along rectilinear paths in the onboard doppler radar station detection zone

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2019-4-191-199


Kirsanov A. P.

Higher School of Economics, 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russia



Onboard radar stations operating in the pulse–Doppler mode show the characteristic feature in the detection zone. This feature consists in the fact that in every point of the detection zone the aircraft has a sector of directions moving along wich it not detected by the onboard Doppler radar. This sector is called the sector of invisible motion directions of the aircraft. Due to these features, there are stealthy paths allowing an aircraft stays non-detected by Doppler radar station, such as radar station of an airborne early warning aircraft, while moving along them. The majority of stealthy trajectories is curvilinear with variable curvature. The article deals with the study of the rectilinear paths of the aircraft stealthy movement in the onboard Doppler radar station detection zone. It was established that any aerial object position relative to the early warning aircraft might be the start of the rectilinear stealthy path at the appropriate selection of direction of movement. An equation to determine the stealthy movement duration along the rectilinear path depending on the aircraft initial position and its direction of movement was obtained. Areas in the detection zone of the pulse-Doppler radar station to which the aerial object may enter, moving along the rectilinear stealth paths, were plotted. Their shapes and sizes depending on the aerial object position and motion parameters relative to the radar station were studied. Conditions of the unlimited time duration of movement along the stealthy paths, and conditions of the rectilinear stealthy paths for the aerial object outgoing to the onboard Doppler radar station location were found.


Doppler radar station detection zone, stealthy trajectory, rectilinear movement


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