Low-speed impact testing of various composites

Metallurgy and Material Science

Powder metallurgy and composite materials

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2019-4-216-229


Bezzametnov O. N.*, Mitryaikin V. I.**, Khaliulin V. I.***

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, 10, Karl Marks str., Kazan, 420111, Russia

*e-mail: bezzametnovoleg@mail.ru
**e-mail: vmitryaykin@bk.ru
***e-mail: pla.kai@mail.ru


The purpose of the study consists in technique development for detecting impact damages character of composites with various nature of reinforcing material and interlacement type. A series of experiments on the presence of internal defects after impact damages inflicting was conducted while this work performing. The samples based fourteen fabric types were selected as the subject of the study, including fiberglass cloth, hybrid materials, Kevlar® and high molecular polythene. Temperature mode was developed, and technology for plates manufacturing by the compression molding technique was worked out.

The experiment technique was being developed with regard for the international Standards recommendations for damage resistance testing while the falling load impact. Evaluation of criteria on impact resistance was performed within the energy range of 10, 20 and 30 J. Initially the dent depth was determined with digital detecting head. The internal damages areas were being estimated by the semi-automated ultrasonic NDT complex with phased array. This technology allows obtaining scanning results in the form of projections onto three planes, namely C-scan (top view), S-scan (end view) and B-scan (side view). To analyze the damages areas of samples after the impact, the C-scan, depicting the scanned area below the sensor, was registered. The layer-by-layer studying of the samples damages character was performed by the X-ray computer tomography method. This method allows visualize the sample internal structure by processing shadow projections obtained while the object X-raying.

The obtained results allow determine optimum characteristics of the composite material pack content while developing the structure with the set requirements to the impact resistance. The nose part elements and high lift devices of an aircraft, helicopter blades and transmission shafts, moving parts of jet engines may be among these structures.

Based on these works results graphs of the damages areas dependence on the impact energy of each material were plotted. The less damage area was demonstrated by the fiberglass samples, while the greatest one belonged to the fabrics of hybrid content. To evaluate the impact resistance criteria the energy of the damage initiation, maximum load of impact and absorbed energy were registered. Maximum value of the damage initiation energy was demonstrated by the samples from hybrid fabric material, and the least one by the fiberglass samples. This criterion reflects the limiting value of the impact energy which a material can sustain without being damaged.


composites, impact actions, damage, NDT, ultrasonic pulse-echo flaw detection, computed tomography


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