Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2020-2-112-122
*, **, ***, ****Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, Samara, Russia
*e-mail: tau@ssau.ru
**e-mail: kuzm@ssau.ru
***e-mail: filinov@ssau.ru
****e-mail: avdeevsergeyvik@gmail.com
The presented article studied the aircraft target purpose impact on working process optimal parameters and structural schemes of small-sized gas turbine engines (GTE).
The engine optimization was performed as a part of the aircraft system. Total weight of the fuel and power plant and the fuel, required for flight, as well as specific fuel consumption of the aircraft per ton-kilometer were being used as functions of the GTE efficiency. The aircraft of light, administrative and regional types was considered. Commercial loading weight (the number of passengers), flight range and trajectory were set for each of the aircraft under consideration.
The database of possible structural schemes of the engines was formed based on the initial data. Further, the engine evaluation criteria in the aircraft system were being computed. Minimax method of optimization was employed for rational solution obtaining. With this, functional limitations for the engine of each scheme were accounted for while optimization. Optimization of small-sized gas turbine engine in the aircraft system was performed with “ASTRA” CAE system.
The optimization results are presented in the form of dependencies of optimal of working process parameters of a small-size GTE on flight range for the aircraft under consideration. The studies revealed that with the flight range increase, the degree of bypass ratio and total degree of pressure ratio increased, the degree of pressure ratio in the fan decreased, and the gas temperature prior to the turbine changes insignificantly. It was found that with the engine size increase, the flight range exerted relatively slight impact on the working process optimal parameters. With the flight range increase, optimal parameters values by various criteria tend to minimax solution for any engine scheme.
The presented study demonstrated that the target purpose of the aircraft significantly affects the optimal parameters of the the power plant working process with the small-size GTE. In return, the working process parameters and the engine size determine its most rational design scheme.
optimization, small-size turbojet engine, aircraft target purpose impactReferences
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