Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2020-3-60-72
1*, 2**, 1***, 2****1. Yakovlev Corporation Regional Aircraft Branch, 26, Leninskaya Sloboda str., Moscow, 115280, Russia
2. Siemens Industry Software, SISW, 9, B. Tatarskaya str, Moscow, 115184, Russia
*e-mail: moshkov89@bk.ru, p_moshkov@ssj.irkut.com
**e-mail: dmitri.vasilenkov@siemens.com
***e-mail: V_Rubanovsky@scac.ru
****e-mail: alexey.stroganov@siemens.com
The relevance of the problem of enhanced acoustic comfort ensuring for passengers and cockpit personnel is beyond doubt. In particular, at present, there is a problem of professional diminished hearing among the aircrew members of civil aviation aircraft of Russia. The risk factor of this malady development is the noise inside the cockpit.
The problem solution of acoustic comfort ensuring in the cabin is impossible without fulfilling a complex of engineering and fundamental studies at all stages of creation of new samples of aerotechnics. One of the trends of the studies is identification, localization and ranging by intensity the main noise sources in the cabin of the aircraft-prototype. The results of this study are necessary to ensure optimal placement of sound proof, sound absorbing and vibration-damping materials in the onboard structure, and issue recommendations on noise reduction of the air conditioning and ventilation system.
The article presents the results of localization and ranging by the intensity of the noise sources in the RRJ-95 aircraft cockpit, employing the 3DCAM54 spherical array.
Acoustic measurements were performed on the RRJ-95 experimental aircraft No 95005 with the cockpit, updated from the viewpoint of noise reduction and reverberation disturbance. The tests were performed at the cruise speed mode at the altitude of 11 km, determined by the flight Mach number of 0.8.
Measurements were performed at the routine operation mode of the air conditioning and ventilation system and at its turn-off.
As the result of the conducted studies, the noise sources localization maps in the one-third-octave frequency bands of 630-3150 Hz were obtained. The main noise sources in the cabin are the air conditioning and ventilation system (ACVS) and the noise of the turbulent boundary layer. As far as the air feeding is being terminated after the ACVS turn-off, but the fans are not turned-off, the ACVS impact manifests itself while its turn-off from the side of ducts feeding air to the cockpit. The two basic mechanisms can be outlined in the ACSV noise. In particular, in the noise of the one-third-octave frequency band of 1000 Hz, the ACVS turbulent flow dominates the noise caused by the "rotor-stator’ interaction in the ACVS fans. In the one-third-octave frequency band of 1250-2500 Hz the noise of "rotor-stator’ interaction prevails while fans operation.
civil aircraft, acoustic tests, microphone array, spherical beam-forming, cabin noise, noise sources localization mapReferences
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