Simulator stand designing for cosmonauts training to perform visual-instrumental observations

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2021-1-115-125


Vasil’eva N. V.*, Dedkova E. V.**, Kutnik I. V.***, Fokin V. E.****, Chub N. A.*****, Yurchenko E. S.******




The International Space Station Russian Segment (the ISS RS) development along with the increasing number of scientific and applied research and experiments performed by cosmonauts onboard the space station actualize the issue of ensuring high-quality training for the scientific program implementation. Visual-instrumental observations of the Earth from space (VIOs) are one of the most informative methods of Earth’s remote probing, employed in manned space exploration. They are intended for observing natural and anthropogenic objects, phenomena occurring in outer space, atmosphere, on ocean and land surface (cyclones formation and typhoons origination, volcanic activity, thunderstorms, forest fires, bio-productive areas in the oceans, and processes in the upper atmosphere).

The experience of domestic cosmonauts training for the VIOs performing is indicative of the importance of cosmonauts training process at all of its stages. Cosmonauts training in this line should represent educational and training process oriented on cosmonauts’ mastering theoretical basics of experimental research on topical problems of earth sciences, studying physiographic specifics of territories and acquiring necessary skills and abilities on searching and identifying the objects under study, as well as practical application of the onboard equipment for remote geosystems’ probing.

Selection of research trends onboard the ISS is based on the basic principles of the Federal Space Program of Russia, foreseeing studying of the Earth surface, Moon studying and exploration, observing various processes and phenomena on both Earth and Lunar surface. This puts forward the requirements to cosmonauts’ training on this trend of their professional activities at all stages of their training for the space flight. These requirements consist, in the first place, in the necessity for the theoretical training, as well as conducting practicum and training using informational resources of specialized simulators that simulate visual situation under conditions of the ISS flight, and flights for aero-visual observations of test sections of land and sea.

Creation of simulator for cosmonauts’ training to perform VIO based on employing digital Earth surface model allows enhancing effectiveness and quality of cosmonauts training to perform the spaceflight onboard the ISS. In the course of design and development of the simulator stand for cosmonauts’ training to perform VIO a comprehensive analysis of specific features and conditions for the VIO performing, characteristics of the scientific equipment in use, as well as available experience of cosmonauts’ training on prospective space programs, including flights to the Moon and near-Lunar space, was performed.


visual-instrumental observations, remote Earth probing, technical means for cosmonaut training, visual situation, observed objects registering, information criteria, operator’s characteristics, operator’s adaptive abilities


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