Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2021-1-137-146
1*, 1**, 2***1. Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), Zhukovsky, Moscow region, Russia
2. Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), 1, Zhukovsky str., Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russia
Currently, aerial refueling is being employed to increase the aircraft flight range and duration. Refueling an aircraft in manual actuation through all control channels is one of the most difficult and stressful modes of piloting for a pilot, and requires high qualification and long training.
This is being especially complicated by negative factors such as:
- The tanker aircraft trail line impact on the aircraft being fueled;
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- The airstream turbulence, etc.
Automation allows increasing the probability of successful contact compared to manual actuation (for example, about twofold for a light aircraft). One of the trends unburdening a pilot, and simplifying this process may be automation of the speed control channel.
The article considers the speed control algorithm at all stages of the aircraft aerial refueling mode:
The aircraft’s approach to the tanker;
Directly the process of a drogue and a cone contacting;
Taking working position for the fuel pumping;
Separation from the tanker after refueling completion;
Re-entry for contacting when the hose and cone contact performing failed.
The purpose of the article consists in the speed control algorithm development at all stages of the aircraft aerial refueling mode.
The main objectives of the article are as follows:
Increasing the flight duration;
Reducing the burden on the pilot, and lowering the requirements for his qualification;
Increasing the probability of successful aircraft refueling from the first approach;
Refueling performing in conditions of air-turbulence;
Improving flight safety.
Speed control automation while aerial refueling should be performed through auto-throttle. Its algorithm should include the law of the specified relative speed of the aircraft and tanker, based on their mutual position. To be more exact, it means the mutual position of drogue and cone, as well as drogue and a certain element on the trailing edge in the area of the unit installation after the contact and while fuel pumping.
While the algorithm developing, classical approaches to flying vehiles’ control systems design, mathematical modelling methods and simulation on the flight simulator were employed.
Simulation results on the flight simulator revealed the operability of the algorithm ensuring speed control of the aircraft being fueled relative to the tanker.
A system of technical vision, operating in real-time scale onboard the aircraft being fuelled, can be employed to ensure the aircraft refueling autonomy.
The proposed algorithm for the auto-throttle signal generating can be considered hereafter as an element of ensuring automated aerial refueling of the aircraft.
aerial refueling, automated aerial refueling, auto-throttle, fueling cone, flight refueling probe, speed control channel automationReferences — informational site of MAI Copyright © 1994-2024 by MAI |