Identification of the mathematical model of heat transfer in destruction material

Spacecraft and Rockets


Nenarokomov A. V.*, Netelev A. V.**




In this work present algorithm of identification thermal characteristics destruction heat-shielding materials, based on methodology of inverse problems. At the decision inverse problem the vector of required characteristics consisting from 7 none-linear depending from temperature component (heat capacity, thermal conductivity, heat capacity of filtered gas, heat effect decomposition, and parameter of the Arenius equation is defined: sedate parameter, before exhibitor factor and energy of activation). Stability of the decision inverse problem is reached by application in algorithm of a method iterative regularization. Iterative process for a vector of required parameters is based formula gradient methods of optimization:

us=us-1sgs, s=1,...,s*

Where u — vector of unknown functions, s — number of iteration, γ — descent step, g — increment of unknown functions.


inverse problem, identification, thermal destruction, regularization — informational site of MAI

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