Dynamics of non-uniform transversal-isotropic spherein the acoustic environment

Applied Mathematics, Mechanics and Physics


Medvedskiy A. L.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia


In work the problem about radial fluctuations hollow elastic non-uniform transversal-isotropic sphere placed in the unlimited acoustic environment is considered. It is supposed that heterogeneity of a material of sphere is described by the sedate law concerning radial co-ordinate. The problem decision is under construction with use of integrated transformation ofLaplas on time. For a finding of originals it is used асимптотика трансформант in a vicinity of infinitely remote point of a complex plane that corresponds to initial times of interaction. Comparison received асимптотики with the decision constructed with use certainly scheme of type oj Kurant — Izakson — Rice [1] is spent.


heterogeneity, sphere, a transversal-isotropic material, the acoustic environment, non-stationary problems, analytical decisions, numerical Methods

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