Turbojet engine power increasing by air-cooling at the inlet device

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2021-3-130-138


Nikitin I. S.*, Magdin A. G.**, Pripadchev A. D.***, Gorbunov A. A.****

Orenburg State University, OSU, 13, prospect Pobedy, Orenburg, 460018, Russia

*e-mail: zmii0005@gmail.com
**e-mail: magdin.sasha@yandex.ru
***e-mail: apripadchev@mail.ru
****e-mail: gorbynovaleks@mail.ru


This publication briefly discusses the possibility of high-quality improvement of the power plant performance, built on the turbofan basis, by injecting water into the inlet device. The probability of this power plant introducing into the space transport system, instead of the first stage at the flight speeds up to six Mach, was considered as well. The expert analysis of the existing research solutions was performed. This technology realization solves the problems of cargo transportation to the International Space Station (ISS). There is a possibility of creating a passenger spacecraft with an immense flight speed in the future.

It is necessary to find a solution, with which the speed characteristics of a turbojet bypass engine with an afterburner are an order of magnitude higher with water injection than without it, and find out the required amount of water necessary for air-cooling to 120°C and 300°C at the engine inlet.

The basic requirements placed for the engine are the low weight and cost at a comparatively high power. Accordingly, the power plant should be operational at all speeds up to six Mach, as well as its operation must meet all the necessary conditions at altitudes within 25-40 km to implement a full flight cycle. The engine herewith should be of the lowest possible specific fuel consumption. Maintenance should not be impeded, since it is necessary to expand the number of airports at which this aircraft can be based, expanding thereby its flight routes.

Water injection of into the flow part increases the engine speed characteristics and its application at the speeds up to six Mach. However, this technology has its minuses as well. Takeoff weight increase and complication of the design negatively affect the flight range and the ease of operation. Due to the cooler injection application, the the power plant device becomes more complicated, which leads to the complication of all technological operations, from manufacturing to setting up the unit.

Nevertheless, the idea is rather promising in practical application, but it requires an utmost high-quality detailed refinement of both the power unit itself and the aircraft.


turbojet engine power increasing, afterburner, inlet device cooling, supersonic aircraft


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