Unmanned aerial vehicles integration into modern infrastructure systems operation

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Ground complexes, launching equipment, flying vehicle operation

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2021-3-186-193


Shvetsova S. V.1*, Shvetsov A. V.2**

1. Far Eastern State Transport University (FESTU), 47, Seryshev str., Khabarovsk, 680021, Russia
2. Vladivostok State University of Economics and service (VSUES), 41, Gogolya str., Vladivistok, 690014, Russia

*e-mail: telcoms@mail.ru
**e-mail: transport-safety@mail.ru


The unmanned aerial vehicles integration into modern infrastructure systems operation is one of the most urgent tasks in the modern transport industry. Such integration requires the solution of a whole range of problems, including technological, managerial, legal, etc. Among others, the problem of traffic safety can be highlighted, since namely this unresolved problem of the unmanned aerial vehicles traffic is the cause of a number of restrictions on their application. The authors of the presented work proposed a system of directional stability, allowing preventing the unmanned aerial vehicle with movable wing (multicopter) escape from the air passage boundaries available for its movement, which reduces the risk of emergency occurrence with its participation. The system solves the safety ensuring problem for multicopter movement, operating along the preset routs, such as in technological process monitoring systems, goods delivery systems, object video surveillance systems etc. Technological elements of the system being proposed are of small size and do not need electric power supply, which maximally simplifies their implementation to the existing infrastructure.

The proposed system may be of interest to large chain retailers with the goal of employing it in such applications as the goods delivery operating according to the scheme “central logistics center → points of goods delivery in the city”. The system may be employed in applications for industrial facilities monitoring, providing for the movement of unmanned aerial vehicles along certain routes over the territory of the enterprise with additional equipment installed on them, such as scanners, thermal imagers, video cameras, emission detectors, etc. to control technological processes of the enterprise. An additional application trend of the proposed system is safety ensuring of interaction between multicopters and aircraft in the airport area, which is being currently closed for their flights. The system allows ensuring the movement of the multicopter strictly in a given air corridor, which solves the problem of splitting the involved multicopters and other air traffic participants in the airspace.


course stability system, multicopter, air corridor, multicopter traffic safety


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