Experimental study on wing adaptive high-lift devices of transport aircraft on takeoff-landing mode

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2021-4-39-47


Pigusov E. A.

Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), 1, Zhukovsky str., Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russia

e-mail: evgeniy.pigusov@tsagi.ru


At the present stage of aviation development, the main way to the transport aircraft wing load-bearing characteristics improving is application of high-lift devices of the leading and trailing edges of the wing. By now, the high-lift devices of the trailing edge with the Fowler type single-slotted flap became widespread. The endeavor to simplify the high-lift device structure at preserving its effectiveness led to the advent of high-lift device of the wing trailing edge, in which the tilt flap and descending spoiler are being applied. Equipping modern long-distance aircraft with bypass turbojets of high and ultra-high bypass ratio complicates the high-lift device layout in the «low-wing monoplane» scheme. Ensuring the required minimum clearance between the nacelle and runway surface leads to the distance reduction between the wing and the engine, while the wing interaction and the high-lift device interaction with the jet exhaust leads to the drag increase at the cruising flight and noise increase on the takeoff-landing mode.

The article presents the results of experimental study on the application effectiveness of adaptive high-lift device employing the model of aircraft with high-wing monoplane, equipped with two solid propellant engine nacelles of ultra-high bypass ratio.

Aircraft model tests were performed in a subsonic wind tunnel at a flow velocity of V = 40 m/s, corresponding to the Reynolds number value of Re = 0.89·106, on mechanical six-component balance in the range of angles of attack of α = –6 ÷ 24° at zero slip angle. The model tests were conducted for the following options of the flap: δF = 30°, δF = 40° and δF = 30°/20°. The spoiler droop (adaptive element) in the tests deflected by the angles δSD = 0, 8, 12°, the relative height herewith of the gaps between the wing and the flap was 2.5%, 1.2%, 0.6%, respectively.

The above said experimental studies revealed that the adaptive element application together with a single-slot retractable flap allows obtaining high load-bearing characteristics close to more complex double-slotted flaps at lower drag. The adaptive element deflection leads to a significant increase in load-bearing characteristics by 25–45% in the area of takeoff and landing angles of attack α = 8·10°, and maximum wing lift increase coefficient compared to configurations without deflected adaptive element. Disadvantage of adaptive element application consists in critical angle of attack value decrease by  Δα = 2÷4°. However, the lifting force coefficient changing herewith of large angles of attack goes smoothly. Geometric parameters optimization of the adaptive element may reduce the above said negative impact.

Optimization of the geometric parameters of the adaptive element can reduce this negative impact.


adaptive wing high-lift devices, adaptive flap, adaptive element, adaptive spoiler


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